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  1. Population-level variation in DRD4 alleles is a result of the distributions of DRD4 alleles in founder groups (317).Chen, Chuansheng - Population migration and the variation of dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) allele..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) exhibits the largest number of polymorphisms of any dopamine receptor yet identified, and variation in DRD4 has been linked to variation in traits such as novelty-seeking and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. DRD4 also exhibits large variation between populations. Here, the authors test the hypothesis that natural selection acting on DRD4 may account for variation in between-population migratory patterns, using genetic and historical data from 39 populations.

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  2. Population level variation in DRD4 alleles is attributable to general bottleneck effects that also acted on non-DRD4 genes (317).Chen, Chuansheng - Population migration and the variation of dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) allele..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) exhibits the largest number of polymorphisms of any dopamine receptor yet identified, and variation in DRD4 has been linked to variation in traits such as novelty-seeking and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. DRD4 also exhibits large variation between populations. Here, the authors test the hypothesis that natural selection acting on DRD4 may account for variation in between-population migratory patterns, using genetic and historical data from 39 populations.

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  3. Populations which have remained near their origin will show a lower proportion of long alleles of DRD4 than those that migrated further away (312).Chen, Chuansheng - Population migration and the variation of dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) allele..., 1999 - 2 Variables

    Dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) exhibits the largest number of polymorphisms of any dopamine receptor yet identified, and variation in DRD4 has been linked to variation in traits such as novelty-seeking and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. DRD4 also exhibits large variation between populations. Here, the authors test the hypothesis that natural selection acting on DRD4 may account for variation in between-population migratory patterns, using genetic and historical data from 39 populations.

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  4. Migratory distance from East Africa will be positively associated with between-population DRD4 exon III expected heterozygosity (2).Gören, Erkan - The biogeographic origins of novelty-seeking traits, 2016 - 2 Variables

    The researcher looks for empirical evidence of natural selection as an explanation for worldwide variation in novelty-seeking behavior. Examining the relationship between variability in frequency of the DRD4 exon III 7-repeat allele variant (a variant theorized to stifle dopamine reception and thus encourage compensatory novelty-seeking behavior) and migratory distance from prehistoric humans' origin point in East Africa yields a positive correlation. After controlling for various biogeographic indicators, the researcher theorizes that presence of the DRD4 exon III 7-repeat variant provided an exploratory urge and evolutionary advantage to hunter-gatherers and pastoralists who migrated into unfamiliar environments.

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  5. Fraction of land dedicated to pasture will be positively associated with between-population DRD4 exon III expected heterozygosity (7).Gören, Erkan - The biogeographic origins of novelty-seeking traits, 2016 - 2 Variables

    The researcher looks for empirical evidence of natural selection as an explanation for worldwide variation in novelty-seeking behavior. Examining the relationship between variability in frequency of the DRD4 exon III 7-repeat allele variant (a variant theorized to stifle dopamine reception and thus encourage compensatory novelty-seeking behavior) and migratory distance from prehistoric humans' origin point in East Africa yields a positive correlation. After controlling for various biogeographic indicators, the researcher theorizes that presence of the DRD4 exon III 7-repeat variant provided an exploratory urge and evolutionary advantage to hunter-gatherers and pastoralists who migrated into unfamiliar environments.

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  6. The distribution of cultural units ("semes") can be explained using a demic-diffusion model of transmission (317). Hewlett, Barry S. - Semes and genes in africa, 2002 - 4 Variables

    Genetic, linguistic, and geographic data can be used to explain the distribution of cultural units ("semes") and to understand the evolutionary mechanisms of culture. Three broad models of cultural transmission attempt to explain why cultures share semes: (1) Cultural diffusion, emphasizing horizontal transmission. (2) Local adaptation, where trail-and-error learning leads to the independent adoption of semes by different peoples living in similar environments. (3) Demic diffusion, which emphasizes vertical and frequency-dependent transmission. Authors test the explanatory power of each model using cultural, genetic, linguistic and geographic data from 36 African cultures.

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  7. The distribution of cultural units ("semes") can be explained using a cultural diffusion model of transmission (317).Hewlett, Barry S. - Semes and genes in africa, 2002 - 4 Variables

    Genetic, linguistic, and geographic data can be used to explain the distribution of cultural units ("semes") and to understand the evolutionary mechanisms of culture. Three broad models of cultural transmission attempt to explain why cultures share semes: (1) Cultural diffusion, emphasizing horizontal transmission. (2) Local adaptation, where trail-and-error learning leads to the independent adoption of semes by different peoples living in similar environments. (3) Demic diffusion, which emphasizes vertical and frequency-dependent transmission. Authors test the explanatory power of each model using cultural, genetic, linguistic and geographic data from 36 African cultures.

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  8. The distribution of cultural units ("semes") can be explained using a local adaptation model of transmission (317).Hewlett, Barry S. - Semes and genes in africa, 2002 - 4 Variables

    Genetic, linguistic, and geographic data can be used to explain the distribution of cultural units ("semes") and to understand the evolutionary mechanisms of culture. Three broad models of cultural transmission attempt to explain why cultures share semes: (1) Cultural diffusion, emphasizing horizontal transmission. (2) Local adaptation, where trail-and-error learning leads to the independent adoption of semes by different peoples living in similar environments. (3) Demic diffusion, which emphasizes vertical and frequency-dependent transmission. Authors test the explanatory power of each model using cultural, genetic, linguistic and geographic data from 36 African cultures.

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  9. Pair-bond instability (proxy measure being higher incidence of maternal half siblings) will be greater in the absence of amassable, heritable resources. (3)Ellsworth, Ryan M. - Comparative study of reproductive skew and pair-bond stability using genealo..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    Authors use genealogical data to investigate pair bond stability and reproductive skew across a sample of 80 small-scale societies. Results suggest that male reproductive skew and pair-bond stability are independent sources of cross-cultural variation in human mating patterns.

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  10. "Societies with gathering, hunting, and pastoral economies tend to be nomadic or seminomadic [while societies with fishing, horticulture and agriculture economies tend to be semisedentary or sedentary]" (144)Murdock, George Peter - Correlations of exploitative and settlement patterns, 1969 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships between subsistence type, population size, and sedentarism. Hunting, gathering, fishing, and herding societies tend to be smaller than horticultural and agricultural societies. Horticulture, agriculture, and fishing societies tend to be more sedentary.

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