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  1. Proximity to an international slave port may increase the spread of slavery and polygyny jointly.Whatley, Warren - How the international slave trade underdeveloped Africa, 2022 - 3 Variables

    The goal of the paper is to demonstrate how international slave trade spread the institution of slavery throughout Africa, resulting in long-term effects of the continent’s income and political centralization. The author first estimated the travel time to slave ports from each society in the Ethnographic Atlas to determine predicting factors for the adoption of slave trade in African societies. The author reported that societies with high exposure to slave capture in the past were more likely to have the custom of slavery and the custom of polygyny. The author further suggested that slavery institutions emerged in West Africa through local, politically centralized aristocratic systems while emerging in East Africa through the preservation of wealth within the nuclear family over generations.

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  2. In East Africa, proximity to an international slave port predicts a greater probability that a society will be organized around preservation of intergenerational slave wealth in nuclear-polygynous families, independent of political institutions.Whatley, Warren - How the international slave trade underdeveloped Africa, 2022 - 4 Variables

    The goal of the paper is to demonstrate how international slave trade spread the institution of slavery throughout Africa, resulting in long-term effects of the continent’s income and political centralization. The author first estimated the travel time to slave ports from each society in the Ethnographic Atlas to determine predicting factors for the adoption of slave trade in African societies. The author reported that societies with high exposure to slave capture in the past were more likely to have the custom of slavery and the custom of polygyny. The author further suggested that slavery institutions emerged in West Africa through local, politically centralized aristocratic systems while emerging in East Africa through the preservation of wealth within the nuclear family over generations.

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  3. In West Africa, proximity to an international slave port predicts a greater probability that a society will be organized around preservation of slave wealth in nuclear polygynous families under inherited local political aristocracies.Whatley, Warren - How the international slave trade underdeveloped Africa, 2022 - 6 Variables

    The goal of the paper is to demonstrate how international slave trade spread the institution of slavery throughout Africa, resulting in long-term effects of the continent’s income and political centralization. The author first estimated the travel time to slave ports from each society in the Ethnographic Atlas to determine predicting factors for the adoption of slave trade in African societies. The author reported that societies with high exposure to slave capture in the past were more likely to have the custom of slavery and the custom of polygyny. The author further suggested that slavery institutions emerged in West Africa through local, politically centralized aristocratic systems while emerging in East Africa through the preservation of wealth within the nuclear family over generations.

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  4. The presence of slavery is correlated to the occurrence of "open resources" (247).Pryor, Frederic L. - The origins of the economy: a comparative study of distribution in primitive..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    Considerable disagreement exists in regard to the origin and distribution of economic phenomena such as money, slavery, markets, exchange, and imbalanced transfers. Here the author utilizes a worldwide cross-cultural sample of 60 pre-industrial "societies" to empirically test many economic hypotheses, with a focus on distributional mechanisms and institutions.

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  5. ". . . high stratification of freeman is associated with hereditary slavery, and low stratification with the absence of slavery" (694)Aberle, David F. - Matrilineal descent in cross-cultural perspective, 1961 - 2 Variables

    This chapter explores and tests some propositions about matrilineal societies. Supplementary to that discussion, the author also explores the problems of method associated with the use of coded data on large samples of cultures.

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  6. Greater socioeconomic development will be positively associated with recruiting slaves from within the society (rather than externally) (114, 116).Bowden, Edgar - Three stages in the evolution of slavery in precivilized societies, 1973 - 2 Variables

    This article proposes three stages of slavery: dominance slavery, temporary decline of slavery, and economic slavery. Dominance slavery refers to the enslavement of war captives while economic slavery entails a legally codified slave class in a more economically stratified society. Mann-Whitney summed-rank tests suggest that economic slavery is associated with higher socioeconomic development, here defined in terms of male-dominance rather than equidominance in a society.

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  7. The emergence of slavery is an inevitable stage of societal development (222).Pryor, Frederic L. - The origins of the economy: a comparative study of distribution in primitive..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    Considerable disagreement exists in regard to the origin and distribution of economic phenomena such as money, slavery, markets, exchange, and imbalanced transfers. Here the author utilizes a worldwide cross-cultural sample of 60 pre-industrial "societies" to empirically test many economic hypotheses, with a focus on distributional mechanisms and institutions.

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  8. In societies where wives do considerably more economic work than their husbands, slavery as economic capital is more likely to be present (246).Pryor, Frederic L. - The origins of the economy: a comparative study of distribution in primitive..., 1977 - 2 Variables

    Considerable disagreement exists in regard to the origin and distribution of economic phenomena such as money, slavery, markets, exchange, and imbalanced transfers. Here the author utilizes a worldwide cross-cultural sample of 60 pre-industrial "societies" to empirically test many economic hypotheses, with a focus on distributional mechanisms and institutions.

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  9. Usage of insecticide-treated bed nets will not be correlated with maternal ancestral ethnic group exposure to the slave trade.Athias, Laure - Demand for Vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Vertical Legacy of the Sla..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The authors of this study integrate recent data with data on ancestral ethnic groups' exposure to the slave trade in order to examine the relationship between this historical exposure and children vaccination status against measles. They find evidence to support their hypothesis that children from mothers whose ancestors belonged to an ethnic group that exported slaves are less likely to be vaccinated against measles, theorizing that this correlation stems from distrust in medical and governmental institutions. Supporting this theory, they also find that groups historically exposed to the slave trade that have higher preference for traditional practices are even less likely to vaccinate their children against measles.

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  10. Consenting to a blood test for anemia will be negatively correlated with maternal ancestral ethnic group exposure to the slave trade.Athias, Laure - Demand for Vaccination in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Vertical Legacy of the Sla..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    The authors of this study integrate recent data with data on ancestral ethnic groups' exposure to the slave trade in order to examine the relationship between this historical exposure and children vaccination status against measles. They find evidence to support their hypothesis that children from mothers whose ancestors belonged to an ethnic group that exported slaves are less likely to be vaccinated against measles, theorizing that this correlation stems from distrust in medical and governmental institutions. Supporting this theory, they also find that groups historically exposed to the slave trade that have higher preference for traditional practices are even less likely to vaccinate their children against measles.

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