Found 4237 Hypotheses across 424 Pages (0.006 seconds)
  1. Societies that subsist on root crops and arboriculture will rely less on farming than societies that subsist on cereals.Denham, Tim - Mapping the middle ground between foragers and farmers, 2022 - 2 Variables

    This study seeks to investigate the little-understood intermediate region between farming and foraging subsistence strategies. The authors seek to evaluate the extent to which such "middle-ground" subsistence methods actually exist, whether there is any geographical patterning to them, and if different crop assemblages/dependencies make middle-ground subsistence strategies more or less likely. They find that agro-pastoral, cereal-based societies in Africa and Eurasia are more likely to be dependent on farming (defined here as including both cultivation and animal husbandry), whereas societies in North America and those reliant on root crops and arboriculture in the wet tropics incorporate both farming and foraging. They conclude that there is likely more of a "middle-ground" between foraging and farming than has typically been allowed for in the literature.

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  2. Societies that subsist on cereal crops in North America are less reliant on farming than those in Eurasia and Africa.Denham, Tim - Mapping the middle ground between foragers and farmers, 2022 - 2 Variables

    This study seeks to investigate the little-understood intermediate region between farming and foraging subsistence strategies. The authors seek to evaluate the extent to which such "middle-ground" subsistence methods actually exist, whether there is any geographical patterning to them, and if different crop assemblages/dependencies make middle-ground subsistence strategies more or less likely. They find that agro-pastoral, cereal-based societies in Africa and Eurasia are more likely to be dependent on farming (defined here as including both cultivation and animal husbandry), whereas societies in North America and those reliant on root crops and arboriculture in the wet tropics incorporate both farming and foraging. They conclude that there is likely more of a "middle-ground" between foraging and farming than has typically been allowed for in the literature.

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  3. Subsistence type, environmental conditions, and spatial distance between societies will all be associated with the distribution of drought-coping strategies.Biagetti, Stefano - Quantitative Analysis of Drought Management Strategies across Ethnographical..., 2021 - 4 Variables

    In this pilot study, the authors investigate the relationships between both subsistence types and environmental conditions, and various coping mechanisms for drought in 35 societies in Africa. Using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), they find subsistence strategies to have a more significant correlation with the distribution of coping strategies for drought than environmental conditions.

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  4. Subsistence type will be associated with the distribution of drought-coping strategies.Biagetti, Stefano - Quantitative Analysis of Drought Management Strategies across Ethnographical..., 2021 - 2 Variables

    In this pilot study, the authors investigate the relationships between both subsistence types and environmental conditions, and various coping mechanisms for drought in 35 societies in Africa. Using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), they find subsistence strategies to have a more significant correlation with the distribution of coping strategies for drought than environmental conditions.

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  5. Climate and subsistence type will be associated with the percentage of animal foods in the diet.Pontzer, Herman - Effects of Evolution, Ecology, and Economy on Human Diet: Insights from Hunt..., 2021 - 3 Variables

    This study, primarily a review on the evolution of the human diet, also includes a small study on the distribution of meat-eating and its relationship with climate and cultural factors, namely subsistence type. The authors find that societies with subsistence strategies that prioritize fishing, hunting, or pastoralism also tend to consume more animal products, whereas those that focus on agriculture have more plant-based diets. The authors argue that these small-scale societies have a healthier approach to diet than industrialized societies regardless of their subsistence type or meat consumption.

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  6. Controlling for habitat quality, hunter-gatherers will experience more famine than agriculturalists (1).Berbesque, J. Colette - Hunter-gatherers have less famine than agriculturalists, 2014 - 3 Variables

    This study tests the common belief that hunter-gatherers suffer more famine than other subsistence types. Controlling for habitat quality, authors examine the relationship between famine and subsistence type and find that hunter-gatherers actually experience significantly less famine than other subsistence types.

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  7. Societies that are linguistically similar will be more likely to share dominant subsistence strategies (8)Gavin, Michael C. - The global geography of human subsistence, 2018 - 2 Variables

    In this article, the authors seek to determine cross-culturally valid predictors of dominant types of human subsistence around the world. They did this by formulating multiple models that incorporate different combinations of environmental, geographic, and social factors. These models were then used to test various hypotheses posed throughout the anthropological literature surrounding factors that determine dominant subsistence strategies.

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  8. Climate change velocity will be a predictor of language diversity in North America.Cuelho, Mario Tulio Pacheco - Drivers of geographical patterns of North American language diversity, 2019 - 2 Variables

    The authors examine multiple ecological variables as possible predictors of language diversity in North America using path analysis, mechanistic simulation modelling, and geographically weighted regression. They conclude that many of the variables do not predict language diversity, but rather are mediated by population density. The authors also find that the variables' ability to predict is not universal across the continent, but rather more regional.

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  9. River density, ecoregion richness, topographic complexity, climate change velocity, precipitation constancy, and temperature constancy all help explain variation in population density.Cuelho, Mario Tulio Pacheco - Drivers of geographical patterns of North American language diversity, 2019 - 7 Variables

    The authors examine multiple ecological variables as possible predictors of language diversity in North America using path analysis, mechanistic simulation modelling, and geographically weighted regression. They conclude that many of the variables do not predict language diversity, but rather are mediated by population density. The authors also find that the variables' ability to predict is not universal across the continent, but rather more regional.

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  10. Precipitation constancy will be a predictor of language diversity in North America.Cuelho, Mario Tulio Pacheco - Drivers of geographical patterns of North American language diversity, 2019 - 2 Variables

    The authors examine multiple ecological variables as possible predictors of language diversity in North America using path analysis, mechanistic simulation modelling, and geographically weighted regression. They conclude that many of the variables do not predict language diversity, but rather are mediated by population density. The authors also find that the variables' ability to predict is not universal across the continent, but rather more regional.

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