Found 2195 Hypotheses across 220 Pages (0.047 seconds)
  1. Children and adolescents do in less work when there is a higher dangerous mammal density and/or low water quality/quantity ratings.Lew-Levy, Sheina - Socioecology shapes child and adolescent time allocation in twelve hunter-ga..., 2022 - 6 Variables

    This paper seeks to understand the roles played by children and adolescents in hunter-gatherer societies in relation to their social and ecological context. The authors set out to investigate how environmental factors, ecological risk, and the energetic contributions of adult men and women to food production may have influenced children/adolescent allocation of time to child care, domestic work, food production, and play. In order to carry out this study, the authors logged the behaviors of 690 children and adolescents from twelve hunter-gatherer and mixed-subsistence societies (Agta, Aka, Baka, BaYaka, Dukha, Hadza, Matsi-genka, Maya, Mayangna, Mikea, Pume, and Tsimane), totaling 85,597 unique observations. The study found that harsh environmental factors were not associated with child/adolescent time allocation, but that local ecological risk such as dangerous animals and lack of water availability predicted decreased time allocation to child care and domestic work, and that increased adult female participation in food production was associated with less time invested in child care among boys. It also found that all gendered differences in time allocation among children were stronger when men made greater contributions to food production than women. The authors interpret these results to signify that parents may play a role in preparing their children for environmental and ecological difficulty in order to help them develop skills that will help them become useful community members as adults.

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  2. Child and adolescent participation in food production will be lower and participation in childcare and domestic activities will be higher in societies with lower net primary productivity, annual precipitation, and annual mean temperature.Lew-Levy, Sheina - Socioecology shapes child and adolescent time allocation in twelve hunter-ga..., 2022 - 7 Variables

    This paper seeks to understand the roles played by children and adolescents in hunter-gatherer societies in relation to their social and ecological context. The authors set out to investigate how environmental factors, ecological risk, and the energetic contributions of adult men and women to food production may have influenced children/adolescent allocation of time to child care, domestic work, food production, and play. In order to carry out this study, the authors logged the behaviors of 690 children and adolescents from twelve hunter-gatherer and mixed-subsistence societies (Agta, Aka, Baka, BaYaka, Dukha, Hadza, Matsi-genka, Maya, Mayangna, Mikea, Pume, and Tsimane), totaling 85,597 unique observations. The study found that harsh environmental factors were not associated with child/adolescent time allocation, but that local ecological risk such as dangerous animals and lack of water availability predicted decreased time allocation to child care and domestic work, and that increased adult female participation in food production was associated with less time invested in child care among boys. It also found that all gendered differences in time allocation among children were stronger when men made greater contributions to food production than women. The authors interpret these results to signify that parents may play a role in preparing their children for environmental and ecological difficulty in order to help them develop skills that will help them become useful community members as adults.

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  3. Cooking by women is associated with cooking by children of both genders (89)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  4. Male participation in land clearing is associated with boys' participation in land clearing (86)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  5. Male participation in soil preparation is associated with boy participation in soil preparation (86)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  6. There is a curvilinear relationship between cultural complexity and the average age at which children become economically productive (pp 63, 67).Chick, Garry - Leisure and cultural complexity, 2011 - 2 Variables

    There is disagreement between existing theories on the relationship between leisure time and cultural complexity. This study tests Chick's (1986) hypothesis that simple and complex societies have more free time than those of moderate complexity. The relationship between cultural complexity and the economic productivity of children is also examined.

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  7. Cross-cultural variation in children's degree of economic work (ages 6-10) is linked to predominant subsistence strategy.Ember, Carol R. - Children's play and work: the relevance of cross-cultural ethnographic resea..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    Authors undertook two studies to investigate the natures of work and play cross-culturally in children ages 6-10. The first study investigated potential variables affecting cross-cultural variation in the degree of children's contribution to economic work. The second study investigated the degree to which (and variables affecting why) forms of child's play reflect economic work and/or adult activities across various cultures.

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  8. Gathering by women is associated with gather by children of both genders (89)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  9. Fuel gathering by women is associated with fuel gathering by children of both genders (90)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  10. Harvesting by males is associated with harvesting by boys; Harvesting by women is associated with harvesting by girls (87)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 4 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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