Found 2123 Hypotheses across 213 Pages (0.04 seconds)
  1. As women's access to economic resources increases, women's sexual unrestrictedness increases as well.Pirlott, Angela G. - Cross-Cultural Evidence for the Role of Parenting Costs Limiting Women’s Sex..., 2023 - 2 Variables

    Humans, just like other mammals, tend to allow greater sexual freedom for men rather than women. Furthermore, females are burdened with the majority of parenting. Do parenting costs limit sexual unrestrictedness to a different degree for males and females? The authors find that across 48 cultures, as women’s parenting costs decreased through improved physiological and economic conditions, women’s sexual unrestrictedness increased.

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  2. Direct and indirect care investments by biologically uncertain kin are positively associated with a society's paternity certainty level (p. 207).Huber, Brad R. - Evolutionary theory, kinship, and childbirth in cross-cultural perspective, 2007 - 4 Variables

    Using an evolutionary perspective, this study tests hypotheses relating gender and kinship roles to the amount of direct and indirect care provided during and around childbirth. The roles of paternal certainty, residence rules and descent groups are also examined.

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  3. "Active male participation [i.e. father must aid the development of the fetus after conception by repeated intercourse, warmth of father's body, etc.] is believed necessary for the consequent physical development of the fetus [in societies with low menstrual taboo scores rather than in societies with high menstrual taboo scores]"Montgomery, Rita E. - A cross-cultural study of menstruation, menstrual taboos and related social ..., 1974 - 2 Variables

    This article explores biological, psychological, and social explanations for menstrual taboos. Attention is paid to the role of men in rituals associated with reproduction--i.e. before, during and after childbirth, as well as during girls' puberty rites.

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  4. Child care by women is associated with child care by children of both genders (89)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  5. Maternal burnout will increase when raising a child in a country with a high level of gender equality in areas other than parenting.Roskam, Isabelle - Gender Equality and Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study, 2022 - 2 Variables

    Using a sample of 11,538 mothers from 40 countries, this study explores the instances when maternal burnout increases. The authors suggest two hypotheses: 1) maternal burnout will increase when experiencing inequality in parenting while one holds egalitarian values, and 2) maternal burnout will increase when raising a child in a country with high levels of equality in areas besides parenting. The results support both hypotheses, showing the importance of tackling inequality at the micro and macro levels to decrease maternal burnout. In addition, the analyses show that the cross-level bivariate correlation between countries with high levels of gender equality and holding egalitarian values is positive.

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  6. Care of small animals by men is associated with care of small animals by boys; care of small animals by women is associated with care of small animals by girls (88)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 4 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  7. Care of large animals by men is associated with care of large animals by boys (87)Bradley, Candice - Women's Power, Children's Labor, 1993 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates the sexual division of labor between adults and children. Data analysis suggests that children usually perform tasks appropriate for an adult of the same gender, but boys will often perform women’s tasks while girls generally do not perform men’s tasks. Thus, women tend to benefit more from children’s labor.

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  8. "In a few primitive societies . . . women's breasts are not even considered sexual stimuli. These tend to be the long post partum ex taboo societies" (81)Stephens, William N. - The oedipus complex: cross-cultural evidence, 1962 - 2 Variables

    The author attempts to test the "Oedipus-complex" hypothesis--the psychoanalytic idea that under certain conditions (such as the long-post partum sex taboo) males are sexually attracted to their mothers and as a consequence certain fears and anxiety are generaated. The hypothesis is tested at the societal-level using ethnographic data.

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  9. Women are intentionally involved in hunting in hunter-gatherer communities.Anderson, Abigail - The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across ethnogra..., 2023 - 1 Variables

    After noticing that recent archaeological research has found evidence that women in pre-history were probably hunters, the authors use the ethnographic record from 63 foraging populations to explore the role of women in hunting. They explore what proportion of societies expect women to contribute to hunting, if women hunt, what proportion was opportunistic or intentional, whether women hunters were skilled, and whether women hunted with children.

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  10. Maternal burnout will be associated with experiencing inequality in parenting when one holds egalitarian values.Roskam, Isabelle - Gender Equality and Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study, 2022 - 2 Variables

    Using a sample of 11,538 mothers from 40 countries, this study explores the instances when maternal burnout increases. The authors suggest two hypotheses: 1) maternal burnout will increase when experiencing inequality in parenting while one holds egalitarian values, and 2) maternal burnout will increase when raising a child in a country with high levels of equality in areas besides parenting. The results support both hypotheses, showing the importance of tackling inequality at the micro and macro levels to decrease maternal burnout. In addition, the analyses show that the cross-level bivariate correlation between countries with high levels of gender equality and holding egalitarian values is positive.

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