Found 2744 Hypotheses across 275 Pages (0.045 seconds)
  1. Capacity of available land resources will be related to the evolution of family systems.Itao, Kenji - Evolution of family systems and resultant socio-economic structures, 2021 - 2 Variables

    This study explores the evolution of family systems in non-industrial agricultural societies based on environmental conditions. First, the authors conduct a multi-evolutionary simulation for each family system: absolute nuclear families (nuclear with unequal inheritance), egalitarian nuclear families (nuclear with equal inheritance), stem families (extended families with unequal inheritance), and community families (extended families with equal inheritance). Second, they use Spearman's rank correlation analyses to assess the relation between the 186 non-industrial societies and the types of inheritance relationships, either parent-child (nuclear or extended) or inter-sibling (strongly biased or equal). The results show that the four core family systems are related to wealth and land resources. Other relevant findings are that low polygyny is related to agricultural societies, higher poverty levels to extended families, and accelerated wealth accumulation to strongly biased inheritance.

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  2. Higher status of the elderly will be associated with agricultural rather than exploitative economies, extended rather than nuclear family organization, inheritance of real property, and patrilocal rather than other residence patterns (270).Lee, Gary R. - Status of the elderly: economic and familial antecedents, 1984 - 5 Variables

    This article investigates how status of the elderly is affected by economic type, family organization, inheritance of real property, and unilocal residence patterns. Multivariate analysis ultimately suggests that agricultural economy, patrilocal residence, and fully extended family systems are significant predictors of higher status of the elderly. No major gender differences were discovered.

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  3. In East Africa, proximity to an international slave port predicts a greater probability that a society will be organized around preservation of intergenerational slave wealth in nuclear-polygynous families, independent of political institutions.Whatley, Warren - How the international slave trade underdeveloped Africa, 2022 - 4 Variables

    The goal of the paper is to demonstrate how international slave trade spread the institution of slavery throughout Africa, resulting in long-term effects of the continent’s income and political centralization. The author first estimated the travel time to slave ports from each society in the Ethnographic Atlas to determine predicting factors for the adoption of slave trade in African societies. The author reported that societies with high exposure to slave capture in the past were more likely to have the custom of slavery and the custom of polygyny. The author further suggested that slavery institutions emerged in West Africa through local, politically centralized aristocratic systems while emerging in East Africa through the preservation of wealth within the nuclear family over generations.

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  4. In West Africa, proximity to an international slave port predicts a greater probability that a society will be organized around preservation of slave wealth in nuclear polygynous families under inherited local political aristocracies.Whatley, Warren - How the international slave trade underdeveloped Africa, 2022 - 6 Variables

    The goal of the paper is to demonstrate how international slave trade spread the institution of slavery throughout Africa, resulting in long-term effects of the continent’s income and political centralization. The author first estimated the travel time to slave ports from each society in the Ethnographic Atlas to determine predicting factors for the adoption of slave trade in African societies. The author reported that societies with high exposure to slave capture in the past were more likely to have the custom of slavery and the custom of polygyny. The author further suggested that slavery institutions emerged in West Africa through local, politically centralized aristocratic systems while emerging in East Africa through the preservation of wealth within the nuclear family over generations.

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  5. Foraging economy type (Classic, transitional, human-wealth oriented, intangible-wealth oriented, politically oriented, and physical-wealth oriented) will be associated with certain social structural characteristics (50).Frederic L. Pryor - Economic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies, 2005 - 13 Variables

    The second and third parts of this book classify the economic systems of foraging and agricultural societies in the SCCS based on correlations between their institutions of property an distribution. These economic types are then examined for relationships with other social, political, demographic, and environmental factors in order to draw tentative conclusions regarding the origins of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. The fourth part of the book uses cross-national data to examine similar associations in industrial/service economies, and is not included here.

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  6. Matriliny/matrilocality is associated with the absence of nuclear families.Surowiec, Alexandra - A worldwide view of matriliny: using cross-cultural analyses to shed light o..., 2019 - 3 Variables

    The study is about matrilineal systems, where descent is traced along female lines. Matrilineal systems are relatively rare in human populations, and previous research has discussed the rarity and apparent instability of matriliny. The study aims to study the evolution of descent systems on a worldwide scale. The study tests for significant associations between matriliny and numerous cultural traits that have been theoretically associated with its stability or loss, such as subsistence strategy, animal domestication, mating system, residence pattern, wealth transfer, and property succession. Additionally, by combining genetic and linguistic information to build a global supertree that includes 16 matrilineal populations, the study also performs phylogenetically controlled analyses to assess the patterns of correlated evolution between descent and other traits.

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  7. "Reported differences in personality descriptions among mixed farmers and pastoralists may be a result of a constellation of differences linked to the two types of economies" (295).Cone, Cynthia A. - Personality and subsistence: is the child the parent of the person?, 1979 - 7 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between personality traits and subsistence type in mixed farming and pastoralists societies. Findings suggest that differences in child socialization do not significantly predict personality differences in mixed farming and pastoralist societies as much as one would expect. Adult experiences should be considered as better predictors of personality traits.

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  8. Competitive games will be associated with small and monogamous family organization (37).Schlegel, Alice - Adolescents at play: a cross-cultural study of adolescent games, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This chapter investigates correlates of competitive adolescent games, focusing on societal and family characteristics as well as socialization variables and personality traits. Data suggest that games meant to encourage competitiveness will be more common for boys than for girls. Competitive games are also statistically associated with low societal and technological complexity, small and monogamous family organization, less physical contact and comfort in infant socialization, less integration in adult activities, and various personality traits.

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  9. Extended family will be positively associated with high status of the elderly (425)Balkwell, Carolyn - Subsistence economy, family structure and the status of the elderly, 1981 - 2 Variables

    This article explores factors affecting the status of the elderly, looking particularly at type of family, economy, and wealth transfer.

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  10. Inequality will be related to intergenerational wealth transmission.Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique - Intergenerational wealth transmission and the dynamics of inequality in smal..., 2009 - 2 Variables

    This article explains the variation in inequality using a model in which a population's inequality depends on the extent to which its most important forms of wealth are transmitted within families across generations. Results suggest that economic systems differ substantially in the intergenerational transmission of wealth.

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