Found 2496 Hypotheses across 250 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. The presence of disease is negatively correlated with the presence of large buildings during the pre-colonial era.Birchenall, Javier A. - Disease and diversity in long-term economic development, 2023 - 2 Variables

    This article uses the Standard Cross-Cultural Samples to test the relationship between disease and economic growth among sub-Saharan African societies. The authors suggest that a higher disease prevalence limits social integration and economic development since pre-colonial times. The variable measuring economic growth is the complexity of large or impressive structures. The hypotheses are that 1) pathogen stress is negatively correlated to the presence of complex buildings, and 2) pathogen stress is positively correlated to increased ethnic diversity. The results support both hypotheses, and there are additional results, like 1) the negative correlation between pathogen stress and current income per capita and 2) the negative correlation between the increased ethnic diversity and current income per capita. Overall, this article shows the robust relationship between disease and economic development.

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  2. Centralized precolonial state formation will be positively associated with contemporary ethnic conflict.Ray, Subhasish - History and Ethnic Conflict: Does Precolonial Centralization Matter?, 2019 - 12 Variables

    Using a self selected sample of 33 ex British colonies and the Ethnic Power Relations database, the author sampled 170 ethnic groups from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East to test for association between precolonial state formation, colonial state building tactics, and modern ethnic conflicts. The author theorized that ethnic groups that were centrally governed before the colonial period were less likely to be recruited to colonial security forces, leaving them out of the picture during the formation of the independence movement and the formation of a post-colonial regime. This in turn is theorized to lead to greater contemporary armed conflict against the regime from which they were excluded.

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  3. Greater ethnic diversity will be found in regions with greater pathogen stress and reduced climatic variation and unpredictability (975).Cashdan, Elizabeth - Ethnic diversity and its environmental determinants: effects of climate, pat..., 2001 - 3 Variables

    This article examines possible environmental predictors of ethnic diversity around the world. Results suggest that global ethnic diversity is associated with latitude, habitat diversity, pathogen stress, and climate.

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  4. Wet and hot climates are associated with greater gender inequality.León, Federico R. - Likely Electromagnetic Foundations of Gender Inequality, 2022 - 5 Variables

    This study seeks to examine the influence that UV radiation and climate might have on gender inequality, and tests two extant theories on why gender inequality exists -- the life-history theory (aligned with climate) and the cognitive performance theory (aligned with UV radiation). The model with UV radiation as the main predictor fits the data on gender inequality the best, and pathogen prevalence and the ACP1*B allele were also found to be associated with gender inequality. The model was found to be robust across continents and ancestry. The study also highlights the need for further research to better understand the complex interplay of these factors in different cultures.

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  5. Human parasitic disease richness will be positively associated with global linguistic diversity (1289).Fincher, Corey L. - A parasite‐driven wedge: infectious diseases may explain language and other ..., 2008 - 2 Variables

    The authors test the relationship between linguistic diversity and parasite richness, theorizing that anti-pathogen behaviors, such as the favoring of contact with a limited range of similar, nearby populations carrying the same suite of parasites and pathogens, will be selected for due to variability in immunobiological makeup between groups. As a result, cultural and gene pool isolation will be likely to further divide local parasite-host groups, generating language diversity as well as population divergence and new evolutionary forms among the parasites themselves. A significant positive correlation is found, which the authors suggest has important implications for future research regarding cross-cultural transmission and interaction.

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  6. The frequency of G6PD deficiency is positively correlated with pathogen load index (402).Borinskaya, S. A. - Combination of Genetic and Humanitarian (Cross-Cultural) Methods for the Ide..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    Researchers used population samples from the ALFRED database and the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP), in conjunction with 68 populations from the Ethnographic Atlas, in an attempt to identify specific genes involved in human adaptation to environmental stimuli as a result of migration. Specifically, researchers looked at the allele frequencies for four different genes typically associated with varying subsistence forms. These four included the APOE apolipoprotein E gene (lipid transport and regulation of cholesterol), LCT lactase gene (enzyme that decomposes lactose), CCR5 chemokine receptor gene (deletion mutation that decreases immunodeficiency virus propagation), and the ADH1B alcohol dehydrogenase gene (important enzyme for alcohol metabolism). The allele frequencies were then analyzed to distinguish any possible correlation to economic-culture types using a two-sided Spearman Test. Researchers also ran a similar test to analyze allele frequencies and pathogen load, however the majority of the findings were not statistically significant. The findings suggest that there is a definite relationship between the allele frequencies and type of economy of a population.

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  7. Political centralization among pre-colonial African ethnic institutions is positively associated with contemporary regional development (114).Michalopoulos, Stelios - Pre‐colonial ethnic institutions and contemporary African development, 2013 - 5 Variables

    The researchers test the relationship between political complexity among African pre-colonial ethnic institutions and contemporary economic performance (using light-density data as a proxy). Their tests yield a robust positive association even after controlling for multiple alternative geographic, cultural, and economic variables, which they interpret as underscoring the ongoing importance of ethnic-specific institutions in shaping economic activity in contemporary Africa.

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  8. Pathogen stress will be positively associated with polygyny (5).Hooper, Paul L. - Explaining monogamy and polygyny among foragers and horticulturalists, 2006 - 2 Variables

    This article tests several hypotheses related to the presence or absence of polygyny. Results suggest a negative relationship between polygyny and male provisioning, and positive relationships between polygyny and warfare, interpersonal aggression, and pathogen stress.

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  9. Pathogen stress will be positively associated with polygyny (p. 325).Low, Bobbi S. - Marriage systems and pathogen stress in human societies, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between pathogen stress and polygyny. Results indicate that there is a positive association between the two that is not confounded by geographic region, latitude, population density, male-male competition, or presence of brideprice. In particular, pathogen stress precicts higher levels of non-sororal polygyny and capturing women for wives or concubines.

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  10. Pathogen stress will be positively associated with the percentages of men and women polygynously married (p. 325).Low, Bobbi S. - Marriage systems and pathogen stress in human societies, 1990 - 2 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between pathogen stress and polygyny. Results indicate that there is a positive association between the two that is not confounded by geographic region, latitude, population density, male-male competition, or presence of brideprice. In particular, pathogen stress precicts higher levels of non-sororal polygyny and capturing women for wives or concubines.

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