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  1. "There are no significant correlations between either crime or aggression and: the childhood variables of responsibility, self reliance, independence . . . and aggression satisfaction and anxiety in childhood . . ." (265)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 6 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  2. "Dependence anxiety relates (negatively) with directness of adult aggression" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  3. ". . . childhood achievement is negatively correlated with crime" (266)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  4. "Average anxiety and childhood achievement correlate negatively to crime" (264-265)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 3 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  5. "Frequency of Theft is also positively correlated with socialization anxiety during the period of childhood with respect to the following areas of training: Responsibility, Self-Reliance, Achievement and Obedience" (296).Bacon, Margaret K. - A cross-cultural study of correlates of crime, 1963 - 5 Variables

    Causal factors to the development of crime are examined. Frequency of theft and personal crime are tested against these causal factors in a search for correlations.

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  6. "Significant correlations occur between ego strength and the variables of . . . dependence anxiety, aggression anxiety, and childhood indulgence" (60)Allen, Martin G. - Childhood experience and adult personality--a cross-cultural study using the..., 1967 - 4 Variables

    This article examines the relationship between childhood experience and adult personality. This aspect of the adult personality is defined as ego strength. The emphasis of this study is mental health, maturity and the effectiveness of adult learning. Psychoanalytic theory predicts curvilinear relationships but most relationships are linear.

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  7. "Directness of aggression relates inversely with overall (average) anxiety in childhood" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  8. "Infant and childhood indulgence relate positively to directness of aggression" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 3 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  9. The more direct and appropriate the expression of aggression, the lower the amount of crime (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 2 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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  10. "Directness of aggression is associated with high productivity, high creativity, low deviance-conformity, low incidence of crime, suicide, and mental illness" (263)Allen, Martin G. - A cross-cultural study of aggression and crime, 1972 - 8 Variables

    The relationships of aggression and crime to variables of childhood experience, adult behavior, and social structure are cross-culturally analyzed.

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