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  1. High paternal confidence leads to high investment by a man in his wife's children; low paternal confidence leads a man to channel his investment elsewhere (304).Gaulin, Steven J.C. - Paternal confidence and paternal investment: a cross cultural test of a soci..., 1980 - 6 Variables

    Using paternal investment theory, the authors examine the relationship between paternal confidence and paternal investment in humans.

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  2. Agricultural societies will have higher paternal certainty than hunter-gatherer societies (230).Gaulin, Steven J.C. - Sexual dimorphism in the human post-reproductive life-span: possible causes, 1980 - 2 Variables

    This study tests possible explanations for sexual dimorphism in human post-reproductive life-spans. The author focuses on explanations involving male paternal investment and finds that men in agricultural societies are more likely to invest in their offspring than men in hunter-gatherer societies.

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  3. Men in agricultural societies will be more likely to invest in their offspring (via inheritance) than men in hunter-gatherer societies (239).Gaulin, Steven J.C. - Sexual dimorphism in the human post-reproductive life-span: possible causes, 1980 - 2 Variables

    This study tests possible explanations for sexual dimorphism in human post-reproductive life-spans. The author focuses on explanations involving male paternal investment and finds that men in agricultural societies are more likely to invest in their offspring than men in hunter-gatherer societies.

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  4. In societies with higher rates of male extramarital sex, there will be less male parental investment.Raj, Vrishica - Effects of male power and status on polygyny, extramarital sex, and parental..., 2018 - 2 Variables

    The present research inquires into the effects, if any, that male status and power have on extramarital sex, parental investment, and polygyny. Using sexual selection theory, the hypothesis is that males in higher positions of power and status are more likely to engage in extramarital sexual activities and be in polygynous relationships was supported. There was no support for an association between male extramarital sex and parental investment.

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  5. Increased levels of paternal provisioning were associated with harsher views of male, but not female sexual infidelity .Scelza, B. A. - Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous ..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    In an effort to better understand variation in jealous response cross-culturally, the researchers of this study surveyed 11 different populations, eight of which were small-scale societies on five different continents (Mayangna, Shuar, Tsimane, Himba, Hadza, Karo Batak, Mosuo, and Yasawa) and three of which were in urban settings (Los Angeles, CA, "urban India" (online), and Okinawa, Japan). Looking at the differences between sexual and emotional infidelity, researchers found that greater paternal investment and lower frequency of extramarital sex are associated with more severe jealous response.

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  6. Increased levels of paternal investment and provisioning were associated with harsher views of male, but not female emotional infidelity .Scelza, B. A. - Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous ..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    In an effort to better understand variation in jealous response cross-culturally, the researchers of this study surveyed 11 different populations, eight of which were small-scale societies on five different continents (Mayangna, Shuar, Tsimane, Himba, Hadza, Karo Batak, Mosuo, and Yasawa) and three of which were in urban settings (Los Angeles, CA, "urban India" (online), and Okinawa, Japan). Looking at the differences between sexual and emotional infidelity, researchers found that greater paternal investment and lower frequency of extramarital sex are associated with more severe jealous response.

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  7. Female premarital sex is more likely to be restricted in societies with higher direct paternal investment.Šaffa, Gabriel - Paternity Uncertainty and Parent–Offspring Conflict Explain Restrictions on ..., 2022 - 2 Variables

    This study tests competing theories about whether it is men, women, or parents who benefit most from restricting female premarital sex (FPS) in a global sample of 128 non-industrial societies. The study found support for the idea that multiple parties benefit from restrictions on FPS -- specifically FPS is more restricted in societies intolerant of extramarital sex and where men transfer property to their children (male control), as well as where marriages are arranged by parents (parental control). They also found that major predictors of FPS appear to be paternity uncertainty and parent-offspring conflict. Furthermore, the study found that multiple factors such as social roles, rather than stereotyped sex roles, are a more useful approach in understanding FPS restrictions and these restrictions.

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  8. Populations where extramarital sex was more common tended to rate male and female sexual infidelity less severely.Scelza, B. A. - Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous ..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    In an effort to better understand variation in jealous response cross-culturally, the researchers of this study surveyed 11 different populations, eight of which were small-scale societies on five different continents (Mayangna, Shuar, Tsimane, Himba, Hadza, Karo Batak, Mosuo, and Yasawa) and three of which were in urban settings (Los Angeles, CA, "urban India" (online), and Okinawa, Japan). Looking at the differences between sexual and emotional infidelity, researchers found that greater paternal investment and lower frequency of extramarital sex are associated with more severe jealous response.

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  9. Populations where extramarital sex was more common tended to rate male and female emotional infidelity less severely.Scelza, B. A. - Patterns of paternal investment predict cross-cultural variation in jealous ..., 2019 - 2 Variables

    In an effort to better understand variation in jealous response cross-culturally, the researchers of this study surveyed 11 different populations, eight of which were small-scale societies on five different continents (Mayangna, Shuar, Tsimane, Himba, Hadza, Karo Batak, Mosuo, and Yasawa) and three of which were in urban settings (Los Angeles, CA, "urban India" (online), and Okinawa, Japan). Looking at the differences between sexual and emotional infidelity, researchers found that greater paternal investment and lower frequency of extramarital sex are associated with more severe jealous response.

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  10. The degree of female extramarital sexual activity is negatively associated with the degree of father-child contact during infancy (134).Gray, J. Patrick - Correlates of monogamy in human groups: tests of some sociobiological hypotheses, 1984 - 2 Variables

    This study re-examines the hypotheses offered by Kleiman (1977) linking monogamy in humans to monogamy in other animals. Of seven hypotheses, only two were weakly supported when using a cross-cultural analysis.

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