Found 4335 Hypotheses across 434 Pages (0.038 seconds)
  1. The degree to which a woman's marriage is arranged by her family will be negatively related to specialization of labor (17).Hull, Brooks - The economics of misbehavior, love and marriage contract enforcement, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the predictors of arranged marriage versus marriage for love. Several predictions are supported and results uphold the hypothesis that "societies promote the method of marriage contract enforcement best adapted to available production technology, incentives to misbehave, and methods of coercion."

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  2. The degree to which a woman's marriage is arranged by her family will be negatively related to labor outside the household (17).Hull, Brooks - The economics of misbehavior, love and marriage contract enforcement, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the predictors of arranged marriage versus marriage for love. Several predictions are supported and results uphold the hypothesis that "societies promote the method of marriage contract enforcement best adapted to available production technology, incentives to misbehave, and methods of coercion."

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  3. The degree to which a woman's marriage is arranged by her family will be negatively related to religious power (17).Hull, Brooks - The economics of misbehavior, love and marriage contract enforcement, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the predictors of arranged marriage versus marriage for love. Several predictions are supported and results uphold the hypothesis that "societies promote the method of marriage contract enforcement best adapted to available production technology, incentives to misbehave, and methods of coercion."

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  4. The degree to which a woman's marriage is arranged by her family will be positively related to family size (17).Hull, Brooks - The economics of misbehavior, love and marriage contract enforcement, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the predictors of arranged marriage versus marriage for love. Several predictions are supported and results uphold the hypothesis that "societies promote the method of marriage contract enforcement best adapted to available production technology, incentives to misbehave, and methods of coercion."

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  5. The degree to which a woman's marriage is arranged by her family will be positively related to the degree to which women inherit valuable goods or property (20).Hull, Brooks - The economics of misbehavior, love and marriage contract enforcement, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the predictors of arranged marriage versus marriage for love. Several predictions are supported and results uphold the hypothesis that "societies promote the method of marriage contract enforcement best adapted to available production technology, incentives to misbehave, and methods of coercion."

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  6. Arranged marriage for either sex is negatively related to the degree to which they control valuable assets (20).Hull, Brooks - The economics of misbehavior, love and marriage contract enforcement, 1989 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the predictors of arranged marriage versus marriage for love. Several predictions are supported and results uphold the hypothesis that "societies promote the method of marriage contract enforcement best adapted to available production technology, incentives to misbehave, and methods of coercion."

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  7. There will be a positive relationship between the presence of romantic love and the nuclear family (8).de Munck, Victor C. - Romantic Love and Family Organization: A Case for Romantic Love as a Biosoci..., 2016 - 2 Variables

    Previous cross-cultural studies of romantic love have, in the authors' view, been plagued by vague definitions of the concept and a conflation of cultural, bio-psychological, and social factors. Thus, the authors distinguish between the social aspect of romantic love (which they argue is a universal human predisposition) and the variable cultural valuation of romance. In a large cross-cultural sample, the authors test the hypotheses that gender equality and family organization are important predictors of the cultural valuation of romantic love.

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  8. There will be a positive correlation between arranged marriage practices and extended non-matrilocal families (8).de Munck, Victor C. - Romantic Love and Family Organization: A Case for Romantic Love as a Biosoci..., 2016 - 2 Variables

    Previous cross-cultural studies of romantic love have, in the authors' view, been plagued by vague definitions of the concept and a conflation of cultural, bio-psychological, and social factors. Thus, the authors distinguish between the social aspect of romantic love (which they argue is a universal human predisposition) and the variable cultural valuation of romance. In a large cross-cultural sample, the authors test the hypotheses that gender equality and family organization are important predictors of the cultural valuation of romantic love.

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  9. The imposition of bridewealth and brideservice are used by parents to aid in their selection of a son-in-law (91).Apostolou, Menelaos - Brideswealth and brideservice as instruments of parental choice, 2008 - 2 Variables

    This study examines bridewealth and brideservice using a theory that emphasizes the role of parental selection in arranged marriages. Bridewealth and brideprice are postulated to enable parents of the bride to screen their future son-in-law. Information presented is supported by a literature review; no formal testing. See Apostolou, M. (2007) for more analyses.

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  10. The practice of polygyny and brideprice are likely to be associated with early modern humans in Africa.Walker, Robert S. - Evolutionary history of hunter-gatherer marriage practices, 2011 - 3 Variables

    This study attempts to reconstruct ancestral marriage practices using hunter-gathers' phylogenies based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Data suggest that arranged marriages and brideprice/bridewealth likely go back at least to the first modern human migrations out of Africa and that early ancestral human societies probably had low levels of polygyny.

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