Found 4348 Hypotheses across 435 Pages (0.005 seconds)
  1. "Cross-cousin marriage (versus all other possible marriage systems) occurs proportionally more often with (each of the) single unilineal systems than with bilaterality" (90)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  2. "We . . . predict that bilaterality, in whatever form, is linked proportionally more often with the highest technological level known to us (versus all other technological levels) than unilineality is" (92)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  3. "Patriliny versus matriliny is linked relatively more strongly with other than cross-cousin marriage systems . . . and with other than extractive subsistence type (industrialisation left out) provided [non-extractive] subsistence type is accompanied by marital neolocality" (112)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 4 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  4. "If bilaterality (verus unilineality) were to correlate with modernity of society--in the sense of a higher level of the production forces . . . and the nuclear family . . . reflects the level of production forces . . . then bilaterality should be . . . accompanied by absence of extended families . . ." (96)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  5. "Cross-cousin marriage occurs relatively more often in non-industrialised societies" (103)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  6. "The correlation between marital neolocality . . . and industrialization is very close" (101)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  7. Societies with higher subsistence level and slavery absent will achieve a higher score for moral acceptance of sexual freedom proportionally more often (19)De Leeuwe, J. - Society system and sexual life, 1970 - 3 Variables

    The author investigates the associations between production relations, the character of productive forces, and sexual life. A significant correlation was found between production relations and the character of productive forces. Results also showed that more sexual freedom is associated with higher level of development of productive forces and an absence of internal oppression.

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  8. "Homans and Schneider (1955) say that marriage partners are sought preferably within a group of which the head exerts no jural authority over ego. . . . Replication of the research [shows] that patrilineal societies [prefer] MBD but matrilineal societies don't prefer FZD" (82, 88)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  9. "Subsistence type does not significantly correlate with the presence or absence of extended families" (99)De Leeuwe, J. - Replication in cross-cultural research: descent, marriage system, and mode ..., 1971 - 2 Variables

    This study examines relationships among descent, marriageable relatives, residence, family, and mode of production.

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  10. Deep Christianization will be associated with the decline of unilineal descent groups (p. 135).Korotayev, Andrey V. - Unilineal descent organization and deep christianization: a cross-cultural c..., 2003 - 2 Variables

    This article focuses on deep Christianization as a new predictor of the decline of unilineal descent, previously attributed to stratification, statehood and commercialization. Deep Christianization is suggested to be the key cause of the decline in unilineal descent organization, though in complex traditional societies, this holds true only when Christianity is backed by the state.

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