Found 4 Hypotheses across 1 Pages (0.023 seconds)
  1. "If the hypothesis that matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is a determinant of Crow systems is true, Crow systems should occur more frequently in societies which are avunculocal than do other systems of terminology" (759)Eyde, David B. - Avunculocality and incest: the development of unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between Crow kinship terminology and avunculocality. Results indicate that if matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is associated with Crow kinship systems, then societies that are avunculocal are more likely have Crow systems.

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  2. "There is a remarkable association between patrilateral cross-cousin marriage and avunculocality . . ." (764)Eyde, David B. - Avunculocality and incest: the development of unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between Crow kinship terminology and avunculocality. Results indicate that if matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is associated with Crow kinship systems, then societies that are avunculocal are more likely have Crow systems.

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  3. "Within the universe of matrilineal societies there is an association between Crow terminology and patrilateral cross-cousin marriage" (761-762)Eyde, David B. - Avunculocality and incest: the development of unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1961 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between Crow kinship terminology and avunculocality. Results indicate that if matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is associated with Crow kinship systems, then societies that are avunculocal are more likely have Crow systems.

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  4. "There is a high association within the universe of nonbilateral societies which allow first cross-cousin marriage and which are either matrilocal or avunculocal, between avunculocality and Crow terminology" (760-761)Eyde, David B. - Avunculocality and incest: the development of unilateral cross-cousin marri..., 1961 - 3 Variables

    This study investigates the relationship between Crow kinship terminology and avunculocality. Results indicate that if matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is associated with Crow kinship systems, then societies that are avunculocal are more likely have Crow systems.

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