Found 3 Hypotheses across 1 Pages (0.001 seconds)
  1. ". . . there tends to be no association between explicit curriculum and hidden curriculum" (244)Precourt, Walter - Initiation ceremonies and secret societies as educational institutions, 1975 - 2 Variables

    This study of initiation rites focuses on the hidden and explicit education that takes place in the course of public initiation rites and induction into secret societies. The author suggests that in tribal societies, initiations reinforce egalitarianism while in chiefdoms secret societies reinforce differentiation. Deviant cases were also analyzed.

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  2. "Initiation ceremonies will exist at the tribal level of socio-cultural complexity while secret societies will exist in chiefdoms" (239)Precourt, Walter - Initiation ceremonies and secret societies as educational institutions, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study of initiation rites focuses on the hidden and explicit education that takes place in the course of public initiation rites and induction into secret societies. The author suggests that in tribal societies, initiations reinforce egalitarianism while in chiefdoms secret societies reinforce differentiation. Deviant cases were also analyzed.

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  3. "initiation ceremonies will emphasize equality among the initiates, while secret societies will emphasize differentiation" (239)Precourt, Walter - Initiation ceremonies and secret societies as educational institutions, 1975 - 3 Variables

    This study of initiation rites focuses on the hidden and explicit education that takes place in the course of public initiation rites and induction into secret societies. The author suggests that in tribal societies, initiations reinforce egalitarianism while in chiefdoms secret societies reinforce differentiation. Deviant cases were also analyzed.

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