Found 3 Hypotheses across 1 Pages (0 seconds)
  1. The frequency of warfare will be negatively associated with consultation, checks on power, removal of leaders, extent of political participation, and absence of fission and positively associated with population (108).Russett, Bruce - The democratic peace in nonindustrial societies, 1993 - 7 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between political participation and warfare, suggesting that checks on power, removal of leaders, extent of political participation, and absence of fission will be negatively associated with the frequency of warfare. This hypothesis was supported with empirical analysis.

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  2. More political participation will be positively associated with equality (116).Ember, Carol R. - Inequality and democracy and the anthropological record, 1997 - 2 Variables

    This study examines the relationship between equality and democracy, focusing on social stratification and political participation as the primary measures. Results suggest that equality strengthens some aspects of democracy, but several other factors such as industrialization are involved in the relationship.

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  3. "Political units with wider political participation engage in less warfare with one another than do less participatory political units" (579).Ember, Carol R. - Peace between participatory polities: a cross-cultural test of the "democrac..., 1992 - 9 Variables

    This article tests the effects of variables associated with political participation on the frequency of internal warfare. Findings suggest support for the hypothesis that democracies rarely fight each other.

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