Found 2 Hypotheses across 1 Pages (0 seconds)
  1. Economic complexity is positively associated with monotheism (859)Underhill, Ralph - Economic and political antecedents of monotheism: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Examines the cross-cultural correlates of belief in a high god or supreme creator. The results are compared to and found to be inconsistent with the theoretical perspectives of Swanson (1960) and Durkheim (1912).

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  2. Political complexity is positively associated with monotheism (859)Underhill, Ralph - Economic and political antecedents of monotheism: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables

    Examines the cross-cultural correlates of belief in a high god or supreme creator. The results are compared to and found to be inconsistent with the theoretical perspectives of Swanson (1960) and Durkheim (1912).

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