Familial Complexity

Associated Documents (2)

Associated Hypotheses (6)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ellis, Godfrey J.Family complexity will be positively associated with socialization toward conformity (p. 393).
Blumberg, Rae Lesser"Familial complexity cross tabulated with . . . subsistence complexity shows . . .substantial curvilinearity or nonmonotonicity" (906)
Blumberg, Rae Lesser"We find a curvilinear relationship . . . between familial complexity and each of the four aspects of . . . societal complexity . . . mean size of local community, permanence of settlement, stratification, and . . . levels of jurisdictional hierarchy" (907, 908, 909)
Blumberg, Rae Lesser"When technology, as measured by subsistence economy is held constant . . . [and we] cross tabulate familial complexity with . . . size of community . . . [and with] political complexity, gammas are significantly positive for low levels of technology and nonsignificant for higher levels" (909)
Blumberg, Rae Lesser"When technology, as measured by subsistence economy is held constant . . . [and we] cross tabulate familial complexity with . . . [permanence of settlement and with stratification] . . . correlations [are] nonsignificant . . . at all levels of technology" (909)
Blumberg, Rae Lesser"[For] a strong test of our curvilinear hypothesis we . . . applied [Marsh's Index of Differentiation], a single societal complexity measure . . . to [familial complexity] covering the range . . . from hunting and gathering to modern urban-industrial" (918)

Associated OCMs

  1. household
  2. nuclear family
  3. extended families