Absolute Latitude

Associated Documents (4)

Associated Hypotheses (11)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ellsworth, Ryan M.Male reproductive skew (proxy measure being incidence of paternal half-siblings) will be higher in societies at lower latitudes. (2)
Ellsworth, Ryan M.Pair-bond instability (proxy measure being higher incidence of maternal half siblings) will be lower at higher latitudes, irrespective of subsistence mode. (2-3)
Currie, Thomas E.Association between geographic language area and various environmental variables will be stronger among pastoralists and foragers than among agriculturalists (7).
Frederic L. PryorForaging economy type (Classic, transitional, human-wealth oriented, intangible-wealth oriented, politically oriented, and physical-wealth oriented) will be associated with various environmental attributes. (49)
Frederic L. PryorClassic foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes (47)
Frederic L. PryorTransitional foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes (49).
Frederic L. PryorHWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorIWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorPO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorPWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Gleeson, Ben ThomasIn societies where females have the social status to exercise mate choice, there will be lower stature sexual dimorphism (SSD), but only if there is high food security.

Associated OCMs

  1. location