
Associated Documents (13)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Ember, Carol R.Residential variation among hunter-gatherers
Pryor, Frederic L.Economic systems of foragers
Marlowe, Frank W.Hunter-gatherers and human evolution
Bourguignon, ErikaPossession
Gray, J. PatrickDo women have higher social status in hunting societies without high gods?
Hayden, BrianEcological determinants of women's status among hunter/gatherers
Frederic L. PryorEconomic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies
Ringen, Erik J. The evolution of daily food sharing: A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis
Moritz, MarkComparative Study of Territoriality across Forager Societies
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterCross-Cultural Correlates of the Ownership of Private Property: A Look from Another Data Base
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterCross-Cultural Correlates of the Ownership of Private Property: Two Samples of Murdock's Data
Ahedo, VirginiaLet's go fishing: A quantitative analysis of subsistence choices with a special focus on mixed e...

Associated Hypotheses (19)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ember, Carol R.". . . the more a hunter-gatherer society depends upon hunting, the more they should tend toward patrilocality . . ." (202)
Pryor, Frederic L.Forager economic type will not be associated with famine threat, percentage of hunting subsistence, presence of gambling, conflict, corporate descent groups, household form, family form, marital form, postmarital residence, female power, male aggression, and male dominance (408, 415, 416).
Marlowe, Frank W.Number of residential moves per year will be negatively associated with percent contribution to diet through fishing and positively associated with percent contribution to diet through hunting and gathering (61).
Bourguignon, ErikaPossession-belief-only will be associated with hunting, gathering, and fishing for 46% or more of subsistence; possession-trance belief will be associated with agriculture and/or animal husbandry (43).
Gray, J. PatrickHunting societies will be negatively associated with high status for women (1121)
Hayden, BrianHunting will be negatively associated with female status among hunter-gatherers (457)
Frederic L. PryorForaging economy type (Classic, transitional, human-wealth oriented, intangible-wealth oriented, politically oriented, and physical-wealth oriented) will be associated with various environmental attributes. (49)
Frederic L. PryorClassic foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes (47)
Frederic L. PryorTransitional foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes (49).
Frederic L. PryorHWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorIWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorPO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Frederic L. PryorPWO foraging economies will be associated with certain environmental attributes. (48)
Ringen, Erik J. Societies relying on hunting will have more daily food sharing than those relying on other forms of subsistence.
Moritz, MarkSubsistence type is positively correlated with type of land tenure system.
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterCertain characteristics of societies will be significantly correlated in the same direction with both Swanson's (1966) and Murdock's (1967) measures of private property ownership.
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterCertain characteristics of societies will be significantly correlated in the same direction in both of Murdock's data sets.
Ahedo, VirginiaSpecific patterns of subsistence strategies exist.

Associated OCMs

  1. hunting and trapping
  2. diet