Initiation Ceremonies

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (7)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Cohen, Yehudi A.Socialization by parents and members of descent group will be positively associated with presence of initiation ceremonies.
Young, Frank W."The percentage of male and female initiation ceremonies showing some decline is greater in the modernized communities than in those of medium articulation--this supports hypothesis that articulation weakens solidarity which is related to degree of [sex role] dramatization" (130)
Precourt, Walter"Initiation ceremonies will exist at the tribal level of socio-cultural complexity while secret societies will exist in chiefdoms" (239)
Precourt, Walter"initiation ceremonies will emphasize equality among the initiates, while secret societies will emphasize differentiation" (239)
Cohen, Yehudi A."[Where] children are brought up . . . for sociological interdependence they will be brought up and taught by members of their descent group [and] parents and during the 2nd stage of puberty there may be a further disruption of [the family relationship by an initiation ceremony]" (113)
Young, Frank W."[There is a] relation between male solidarity and initiation ceremonies..."(384)
Young, Frank W."The two aspects of what may not be labeled 'absent-father family organization' have no empirical relation to initiation ceremonies when male solidarity is controlled" (386)

Associated OCMs

  1. puberty and initiation