Kinship Terminology

Associated Documents (6)

Associated Hypotheses (13)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Blum, Richard H."When cousin terminology is of the Eskimo or Hawaiian type, then: [no use of alcohol occurs]"
Aberle, David F."By comparison with bifurcate collateral terminology, bifurcate collateral terminology, bifurcate merging terminology tends to be associated with matriliny. . . . By comparison with derivative bifurcate merging terminology, it is also associated with matriliny . . ." (712)
Murdock, George Peter"Age-differentiating terms used by a brother for his sisters . . . are associated with bilateral descent" (110)
Murdock, George Peter"In the presence of sororal polygyny, terms for primary relatives tend to be extended, within the same sex and generation, to their collateral relatives through females" (141)
Murdock, George Peter"In the presence of non-sororal polygyny, collateral relatives outside of the polygynous family tend to be terminologically differentiated from primary relatives of the same sex and generation" (144)
Murdock, George Peter"In the presence of patrilocal, matri-patrilocal, matrilocal, or avunculocal residence, separate terms tend to be applied to relatives of the same generation who are linked to ego through connecting relatives of different sex" (148)
Murdock, George Peter"In the presence of matrilocal or avunculocal residence, terms for primary relatives tend to be extended, within the same generation, to their collateral relatives through females" (149)
Murdock, George Peter"Clans, whether patrilocal, matrilocal, or avunculocal, tend to be associated with bifurcate merging kinship terminology" (154)
Murdock, George Peter"In the presence of exogamous matrilineal or patrilineal lineages, sibs, phratries, or moieties, separate kinship terms tend to be applied to comparable relatives of the same generation who are linked to ego by connecting relatives of different sex" (163)
Murdock, George Peter". . . any relative called by a kinship term that is also applied to a kinsman who is genealogically closer to Ego, and with whom marriage or sex relations are forbidden, tends to be placed in a similar taboo category" (311)
Murdock, George PeterNo empirical hypotheses were tested; distributions were reported.
Driver, Harold E.Kin avoidance behavior will be associated with culture area, language family, descent, residence, and kinship terminology.
Passmore, SamKinship typologies can be created by modeling similarities between kinship terminologies across different languages.

Associated OCMs

  1. kinship terminology