
Associated Documents (3)

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ember, MelvinLiteracy will be negatively associated with higher C-V scores as Munroe et. al. (1996) suggested (733).
Ember, MelvinControlling for climate and literacy, baby-holding will be a significant predictor of consonant-vowel score (736).
Alford, RichardProtective-derogatory naming will be positively associated with societal size, complexity, and stratification (64).
Alford, RichardSex-typing of names will be positively associated with societal size and complexity (67).
Alford, RichardName uniqueness will be negatively associated with societal size, complexity, and stratification (70).
Alford, RichardTaboos on the use of personal names will be negatively associated with societal complexity (109).
Alford, RichardTaboos on using the name of the deceased will be positively associated with name uniqueness, and negatively associated with belief in reincarnation, ancestor worship, societal size, and societal complexity (114).
Woodley, Michael A.Consanguinity is a significant predictor of the level of democracy present when controlled for covariates of democracy. OR Economic development factors do not affect the significance of the relationship between consanguinity and the level of democracy.

Associated OCMs

  1. writing
  2. literature
  3. education