Male Mortality In Warfare

Associated Documents (2)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Ember, MelvinAlternative predictors of polygyny
Ember, MelvinWarfare, sex ratio and polygyny

Associated Hypotheses (7)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ember, MelvinControlling on the presence/absence of high male mortality in warfare, delayed age at marriage will be associated with polygyny (11).
Ember, MelvinControlling on age at marriage, the presence/absence of male mortality in warfare will be associated with polygyny (13).
Ember, MelvinSocieties where there is at least a seven-year discrepancy in age at marriage or high male mortality in warfare will tend to have polygyny (13).
Ember, Melvin"However, when we control on Whiting's predictor, i.e., presence or absence of a long postpartum sex taboo, a strong relationship between high male mortality and polygyny still obtains, in the presence of both a long and a short postpartum sex taboo" (202)
Ember, Melvin"In the presence of a short [postpartum sex] taboo, which is the more crucial control situation, . . . [there is a strong] correlation between high male mortality and polygyny" (202)
Ember, Melvin"[Societies] with a high male loss in warfare are significantly more likely to have an imbalanced sex ratio in favor of females than . . . [societies] with a low or zero male loss in warfare" (201-202)
Ember, Melvin"A high male mortality in warfare is strongly associated with polygyny" (202)

Associated OCMs

  1. mortality
  2. aftermath of combat