Political Hierarchy

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (5)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Reeves, Edward B.Population density, political hierarchy, economic division of labor, and monetary exchange will be positively associated with the universalization of ritual (118).
McNett, Charles W., Jr."Community pattern (archaeologically defined) . . . can help predict [these] sociocultural traits: communal or private real estate, shared or hoarded goods, property at death destroyed or inherited, craftsmen, extent of trade, taxes, coercive power, kin-based community or larger, law, political hierarchy, army, religion or magic, ethical supernatural, complex supernatural, spirits or gods, shamans or priests, religious hierarchy, individual or common ritual, group ceremony frequency, simple...
McNett, Charles W., Jr.Findings: A factor analysis of traits used to develop a settlement pattern scale of cultural complexity yielded three important factors. Factor 2, "Political" (oblique rotation), loaded positively and heavily on leadership and political structure variables (245)
Kamp, Kathryn A.Expenditures in burials will be positively associated with more political hierarchy and judicial authority (90)
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend to have national jurisdiction without any levels of hierarchy (51, 96).

Associated OCMs

  1. community councils
  2. territorial organization
  3. territorial hierarchy