Property Ownership

Associated Documents (3)

Associated Hypotheses (12)

Main AuthorHypothesis
McNett, Charles W., Jr.Findings: A factor analysis of traits used to develop a settlement pattern scale of cultural complexity yielded three important factors. Factor 6, "Economic" (oblique rotation), loaded heavily and positively on property, trade, and status variables (245)
Hobhouse, L. T."The communal principle predominates in the lower stages of culture and retains a small preponderance among the pastoral peoples and that private ownership tends to increase in the higher Agricultural stages" (253)
Kavanaugh, PatrickNearest neighbor's property system will have a positive association with property ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickPopulation density will be positively associated with property ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickMountainous terrain will have a positive association with property ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickEnvironmental productivity will be positively associated with land ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickCoastal distance will be negatively associated with property ownership.
Kavanaugh, PatrickUnpredictability of resources will be negatively associated with property ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickPermanency of settlement patterns will be positively associated with land ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickPolitical complexity will be positively associated with property ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickReliance on domestication will be positively associated with property ownership
Kavanaugh, PatrickUse of intensive agriculture will be positively associated with property ownership

Associated OCMs

  1. property system