Residence Patterns

Associated Documents (12)

Associated Hypotheses (25)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Davis, William N."Bilocal, neolocal and, possibly, matrilocal residence patterns should be associated with a high level of drunkenness while patrilocal societies should be associated with a low level of drunkenness" (23)
Divale, William Tulio"Patrilocality should be correlated with internal war and matrilocality with external war" (61)
Divale, William Tulio"No war or infrequent war should be correlated with patrilocality and frequent war with matrilocality" (61)
Divale, William Tulio"Patrilocality should be correlated with peacemaking mechanisms and matrilocality with their absence" (61)
Divale, William Tulio"Patrilocality should be correlated with stable peace and matrilocality with unstable peace" (62)
Aberle, David F.[In matrilineal systems] "The relationship of sororal and limited sororal polygyny with matrilocality, and of general and non-sororal polygyny with virilocality is strong and significant. . . . Also . . . the association of general and non-sororal polygyny with avunculocality and sororal and limited sororal polygyny is even stronger" (719)
Aberle, David F.[There is] " . . . a relationship between residence and stratification in matrilineal systems. . . . Matrilocality is associated with minimal stratification and avunculocality with maximal stratification" (719)
Schaefer, James Michael"I expected to find permanent, unilocal postmarital residence to link with mild, non-aggressive drunkenness and flexible, changeable non-unilocal post-marital residence to link with extreme, aggressive drunkenness" (173)
Murdock, George Peter"In the presence of patrilocal, matri-patrilocal, matrilocal, or avunculocal residence, separate terms tend to be applied to relatives of the same generation who are linked to ego through connecting relatives of different sex" (148)
Paige, Jeffery M."Patrilocal residence in bilateral societies should produce factional polities, while matrilocal residence should create communal polities" (316)
Divale, William Tulio"Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with houses that have larger living floor areas than houses where avunculocal or patrilocal residence is practiced" (299)
Divale, William Tulio"Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with external warfare while avunculocal or patrilocal residence should be correlated with internal warfare" (297)
Divale, William Tulio"Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with frequent external warfare while avunculocal or patrilocal residence should be correlated with less frequent external warfare" (297)
Divale, William Tulio"Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with an absence of feuding within the local community while avunculocal or patrilocal residence should be correlated with frequent feuding" (298)
Divale, William TulioUxorilocal and matrilocal residence should be correlated with community men's houses while they should be absent with avunculocal or patrilocal residence" (299)
Divale, William Tulio"When females make a relatively greater contribution to basic subsistence residence will tend to be uxorilocal or matrilocal, but residence will tend to be virilocal or patrilocal when females make a lesser contribution to subsistence" (63)
Divale, William Tulio"Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence and/or matrilineal descent should tend to be correlated with lower levels of cultural complexity than virilocal or patrilocal residence and/or patrilineal descent" (62)
Nimkoff, M. F."[Residence and descent are highly correlated.] Nearly all patrilineal cultures are patrilocal or matri-patrilocal. . . . If matrilineal, societies may be patrilocal or matrilocal, with the latter predominating. . . . If the rule is double descent, the cultures are almost exclusively patrilocal" (24)
Nimkoff, M. F."…there is a relationship between residence patterns and division of labor by sex. Patrilocal patterns tend to be associated with economic dominance by males, matrilocal . . . by females" (42)
Nimkoff, M. F."…residence is associated with inheritance of property. In patrilocal societies inheritance is largely patrilineal and in matrilocal societies, matrilineal, although in the latter the degree of association is not as high as in the former" (42)
Walker, Robert S.There is variability in residence patterns for hunter-gatherer and horticulturalist societies.
Walker, Robert S.Hunter-gatherer and lowland South American horticulturalist societies tend toward multilocality.
Passmore, SamChange in kinship terminologies will be universally predicted by residence patterns.

Associated OCMs

  1. residence