Resource Scarcity

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (9)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ember, Carol R."Societies with greater resource scarcity will have more positive valuations of fatness in women" (258).
Brown, ChristianCultural transmission, resource scarcity, animal husbandry, community size, and caste stratification will be positively associated with a belief in moralizing gods, while agricultural potential, population size, and external warfare will be negatively associated with a belief in moralizing gods (11).
Low, Bobbi S.Resource scarcity and plant productivity will be associated with resource utilization patterns (360).
Low, Bobbi S.Resource scarcity will be associated with expressed resource need/conservation ethic (360).
Ember, Carol R.Resource scarcity will be positively associated with warfare frequency in nonstate, nonpacified societies (37).
Ember, Carol R.Resource scarcity will be negatively associated with warfare frequency in state societies (37).
Ember, Carol R.Resource scarcity will be positively associated with the taking of land and movable property during warfare and negatively associated with the taking of people during warfare (37).
Ember, Carol R.Resource scarcity will be positively associated with the committing of atrocities during warfare (37).
Walker, Robert S.Human group fissions primarily occur as a result of internal political conflict and secondarily as a result of resource scarcity (471).

Associated OCMs

  1. climate
  2. topography and geology
  3. annual cycle
  4. gratification and control of hunger
  5. diet
  6. production and supply
  7. income and demand
  8. disasters
  9. poverty