Sex Ratio

Associated Documents (8)

Associated Hypotheses (12)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Low, Bobbi S.Women's overt political power will be associated with group size, mobility, sex ratio, marriage system, male absence, ability to participate with men, female contribution to subsistence, level of political sovereignty, political organization hierarchy, and geographic region (70).
Barber, Nigel"Teen pregnancy will increase as the sex ratio declines" (30).
Ember, Melvin"[Societies] with a high male loss in warfare are significantly more likely to have an imbalanced sex ratio in favor of females than . . . [societies] with a low or zero male loss in warfare" (201-202)
Carter, Tara-LynThere is an association between male aggressiveness and biased sex ratios.
Minocher, RianaSex ratio will predict the percent of married men who are polygynous.
Minocher, RianaSex ratio will predict cultural rules constraining polygyny.
Stone, Emily A.Frequency of warfare is negatively associated with sex ratio (2).
Stone, Emily A.Sex ratio is negatively correlated with a society's intolerance of rape (2).
Stone, Emily A.Sex ratio is positively correlated with the presence of wife beating (2).
Stone, Emily A.Sex ratio is positively correlated with the frequency of rape (2).
Pazhoohi, FaridThe more that men outnumber women, the more support for veiling (489)
Šaffa, GabrielFemale premarital sex is more likely to be restricted in societies with more men than women.

Associated OCMs

  1. composition of population