Sexual Anxiety

Associated Documents (7)

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Allen, Martin G."Significant correlations occur between ego strength and the variables of oral-anal anxiety, anal satisfaction, anal anxiety, sexual satisfaction, sexual anxiety . . ." (60)
Minturn, Leigh". . . the scales for marriage arrangement and ease of divorce are not significantly related to any of the sex practices scales . . . [adolescent sex segregation, sex anxiety, sex charms, attitude toward homosexuality, frequency of homosexuality, and punishment and frequency of rape]" (307)
Minturn, Leigh"As predicted, societies which favor homosexuality and have frequent homosexuality are high on the sexual anxiety scale" (308)
Shirley, Robert W."Love magic is most elaborated in societies with high sexual anxiety" (1028)
Stephens, William N."Duration of post partum sex taboo is correlated with intensity of sex anxiety" (81)
Field, Peter B.Drunkenness will be related to sex anxiety (67)
Roberts, John M."Games of chance occur in the presence of antecedent conflict, particularly in the areas of sex, aggression, achievement, and possibly responsibility" (143)

Associated OCMs

  1. sex
  2. general sex restrictions
  3. postnatal care
  4. sex training