Social Classes

Associated Documents (9)

Associated Hypotheses (13)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Murdock, George Peter"Genuine social classes appear [in settled communities rather than bands] . . ." (88)
Alford, RichardProtective-derogatory naming will be positively associated with societal size, complexity, and stratification (64).
Alford, RichardName uniqueness will be negatively associated with societal size, complexity, and stratification (70).
Alford, RichardTaboos on the use of personal names will be negatively associated with societal complexity (109).
Murdock, George Peter". . . patrilineal institutions [are] associated with the presence of traits indicative of higher civilization, matrilineal institutions with their absence. [Some of these are:] agriculture, [animal] domestication, writing, pottery, weaving, metals, [labor] specialization, money, [social] classes, government [and] priesthood . . ." (467)
McNett, Charles W., Jr."Community pattern [archeologically defined] . . . can help predict [these] sociocultural traits: simple vs. elaborate religious paraphernalia, temples, and social classes"
Hendrix, LewellynSanctions regarding illegitimacy are positively associated with social stratification (79).
Swanson, Guy E."Societies with social classes are significantly more likely than others to possess a belief in superior gods" (96)
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterZelman's (1974), Simmons's (1937), Swanson's (1960/1966), and Murdock's (1967) measures of property will cross-correlate (i.e. be replicable).
Leavitt, Gregory C.Social differentiation will be positively associated with violent crime (249).
Leavitt, Gregory C.Social differentiation will be positively associated with property crime (250).
Leavitt, Gregory C.Social differentiation will be positively associated with indices of miscellaneous crime (251).
Rudmin, Floyd WebsterCertain characteristics of societies will be significantly correlated in the same direction with both Swanson's (1966) and Murdock's (1967) measures of private property ownership.

Associated OCMs

  1. classes