
Associated Documents (20)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Peoples, Hervey C.Subsistence and the evolution of religion
Sosis, RichardScars for war: evaluating alternative signaling explanations for cross-cultural variance in ritu...
Low, Bobbi S.Cross-cultural patterns in the training of children: an evolutionary perspective
De Leeuwe, J.Society system and sexual life
Blumberg, Rae LesserSocietal complexity and familial complexity: evidence for the curvilinear hypothesis
Aberle, David F.Matrilineal descent in cross-cultural perspective
Osmond, Marie W.A cross-cultural analysis of family organization
Roes, Frans L.The size of societies, stratification, and belief in high gods supportive of human morality
Greenbaum, LenoraSocietal correlates of possession trance in sub-saharan africa
Dirks, RobertStarvation and famine: cross-cultural codes and some hypothesis tests
Sanderson, Stephen K.Militarist, marxian, and non-marxian materialist theories of gender inequality: a cross-cultural...
Hooper, Paul L.Explaining monogamy and polygyny among foragers and horticulturalists
Barry III, HerbertDifferences between otherwise similar communities reveal cultural linkages with higher governmen...
Goody, JackCausal inferences concerning inheritance and property
Hrnčíř, VáclavArchaeology of slavery from cross-cultural perspective
Minocher, RianaExplaining marriage patterns in a globally representative sample through socio-ecology and popul...
Bourguignon, ErikaA cross-cultural study of dissociational states
Marlowe, Frank W.Paternal investment and the human mating system
Bentzen, Jeanet Sinding The power of religion

Associated Hypotheses (26)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Marlowe, Frank W.Virilocality is positively correlated with level of stratification and men's time in subsistence activity (48).
Peoples, Hervey C.Stratification is positively associated with the presence of High Gods (p. 257).
Sosis, RichardIn polygynous societies, stratification is negatively associated with costly male rites.
Low, Bobbi S.More stratification will be positively associated with males' training to be industrious, and obedient and females' training to be sexually restrained and obedient. Stratification will be negatively associated with males and females' training to be self-reliant (p. 312).
De Leeuwe, J.Societies with less developed subsistence activities (hunting, fishing, or a combination of both) have no significant stratification among freemen and no slavery proportionally more often (4)
De Leeuwe, J.Stratification and slavery occur more often in societies where cereal grains, animal husbandry and agriculture are important than in societies where they are not (6)
De Leeuwe, J.Africa, the CircumMediterrean, and East Eurasia have greater stratification and slavery than the Insular Pacific, North America and South America (6-7)
Blumberg, Rae Lesser"We find a curvilinear relationship . . . between familial complexity and each of the four aspects of . . . societal complexity . . . mean size of local community, permanence of settlement, stratification, and . . . levels of jurisdictional hierarchy" (907, 908, 909)
Blumberg, Rae Lesser"When technology, as measured by subsistence economy is held constant . . . [and we] cross tabulate familial complexity with . . . [permanence of settlement and with stratification] . . . correlations [are] nonsignificant . . . at all levels of technology" (909)
Aberle, David F."Matrilineal systems are relatively more frequent in the 'dominant horticulture' category than either bilateral or patrilineal systems, at high levels of stratification. They are more commonly in the 'dominant horticulture' category than patrilineal systems at low levels; there is no significant difference between matrilineal and bilateral systems at this level" (698)
Aberle, David F.". . . stratification is closely connected with subsistence type. . . . 'Plough agriculture' shows the highest stratification, 'African horticulture' next, 'dominant horticulture' next, and 'other horticulture' next, in the agricultural series. 'Pastoralism' shows a level intermediate between 'plough agriculture' and 'African horticulture,' somewhat similar to its position in table 17-5. 'New World pastoralism' and 'extraction' bring up the bottom of the list" (694, 698)
Aberle, David F.[Descent is related] ". . . to stratification. . . . Matrilineal systems tend to have hereditary, rather than complex stratification to a greater degree than . . . patrilineal and bilateral systems" (698)
Aberle, David F.[There is] " . . . a relationship between residence and stratification in matrilineal systems. . . . Matrilocality is associated with minimal stratification and avunculocality with maximal stratification" (719)
Osmond, Marie W."The limited family [nuclear, stem and lineal] is found with complexity of economy, of stratification, and of settlement pattern; this type of family is associated with monogamous marriage and small family size" (304)
Roes, Frans L.Stratification will be positively associated with a belief in high gods supportive of human morality (74).
Greenbaum, LenoraSocieties with slavery and/or stratification will be more likely to have possession trance (50).
Dirks, RobertSocieties without formal class distinctions will experience famine less frequently and severely than societies with complex class systems (48).
Sanderson, Stephen K.Social stratification, class stratification, subsistence type, intensity of cultivation, use of plow, patrilineality, and patrilocality/virilocality will be positively associated with gender inequality, and female contribution to agriculture will be negatively associated with gender inequality (1427, 1438).
Hooper, Paul L.Variance in male resources (as indicated by stratification and food storage) will be associated with polygyny (2).
Barry III, HerbertHigher government levels will be associated with several other measures of cultural complexity (203).
Goody, Jack"Diverging devolution appears to depend upon . . . stratification found in complex states, intensive use of agricultural resources, by plough, irrigation or other means" (296)
Hrnčíř, VáclavSlavery will be related to metalworking, polygyny, warfare, and stratification even when the variables are considered together
Minocher, RianaSocial stratification will predict the percent of married men who are polygynous.
Bourguignon, ErikaTrance types will be associated with societal characteristics (47-68).
Bentzen, Jeanet Sinding Moralizing high gods are more prevalent in stratified societies than unstratified societies.

Associated OCMs

  1. social stratification
  2. classes