Technological Complexity

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (13)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Shott, MichaelAmong foragers, mobility magnitude will be negatively associated with technological complexity (27, 33).
Alford, RichardProtective-derogatory naming will be positively associated with societal size, complexity, and stratification (64).
Alford, RichardSex-typing of names will be positively associated with societal size and complexity (67).
Alford, RichardName uniqueness will be negatively associated with societal size, complexity, and stratification (70).
Alford, RichardTeknonymy will be positively associated with variables which indicate either age-grading, highlighting of individual status, respect for children, respect for equals, or emphasizing parental roles (92).
Alford, RichardAddress by kin term will be positively associated with kin-centered societies in which personal names lack surnames, patronym, or clan/lineage names (100).
Alford, RichardTaboos on the use of personal names will be negatively associated with societal complexity (109).
Alford, RichardTaboos on using the name of the deceased will be positively associated with name uniqueness, and negatively associated with belief in reincarnation, ancestor worship, societal size, and societal complexity (114).
Schlegel, AliceCompetitive games will be negatively associated with societal and technological complexity (37).
Hendrix, LewellynSanctions regarding illegitimacy are positively associated with technological complexity (78).
Collard, MarkTechnological complexity is positively associated with risk of resource failure (1).
Collard, MarkTechnological complexity is positively associated with population size (1).
Collard, MarkTechnological complexity is negatively associated with residential mobility (2).

Associated OCMs

  1. annual cycle
  2. agricultural machinery
  3. general tools