Centralization Of Political System

Associated Documents (1)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Otterbein, Keith F.The evolution of war: a cross-cultural study

Associated Hypotheses (14)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that the military organization is composed of professionals" (22)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that there will be subordination within the military organization" (25)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the less likely that war can be initiated by any member of the political community" (29)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that war will be initiated by announcement or by mutual arrangement" (34)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that war will be terminated by diplomatic negotiations" (36)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that the tactical system will be based upon both lines and ambushes" (41)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that shock weapons are used" (46)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that body armor is used" (49)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that cavalry is used" (55)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that villages will be fortified" (59)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that siege operations are used" (62)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more advanced the reasons for going to war" (68)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the higher the degree of military sophistication" (75)
Otterbein, Keith F."The higher the level of political centralization, the more likely that the political communities of a cultural unit will be militarily successful" (97)

Associated OCMs

  1. community structure
  2. territorial organization
  3. territorial hierarchy