Type Of Warfare

Associated Documents (4)

Associated Hypotheses (11)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Divale, William Tulio"Internal war should be correlated with the presence of peacemaking mechanisms and external war with their absence" (61)
Divale, William Tulio"Internal war should be correlated with more stable peace and external war with unstable peace" (61)
Divale, William Tulio"Patrilocality should be correlated with internal war and matrilocality with external war" (61)
Ember, Carol R.". . . the relationship between migration and residence controlling on the presence versus absence of purely external warfare . . . becomes nonsignificant in both control conditions" (138)
Ember, Carol R.". . . control[ling] on the presence versus absence of migration, the relationship between type of warfare and residence does not disappear" (139)
Ember, Carol R."Societies with purely external warfare . . . have smaller total populations than societies with internal warfare" (141)
Young, Frank W."Forms of armed conflict that, as a unit, actively involve all or nearly all the men of the community are associated with solidarity" (70)
Divale, William Tulio"Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with external warfare while avunculocal or patrilocal residence should be correlated with internal warfare" (297)
Divale, William Tulio"External warfare should be correlated with an absence or only infrequent occurrence of feuding while internal warfare should be correlated with frequent feuding"
Divale, William Tulio"External warfare should be correlated with the presence of men's houses while they should be absent when warfare is internal" (301)
Divale, William Tulio"External warfare should be correlated with houses that have larger living floor areas while internal warfare should be associated with smaller floor areas" (302)

Associated OCMs

  1. ingroup antagonisms
  2. war
  3. instigation of war
  4. warfare