Witchcraft Belief

Associated Documents (2)

Associated Hypotheses (10)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Koning, NiekSemi-sedentary foraging, and-tool horticulture, plow agriculture, and pastoralism will be positively associated with witchcraft belief (p. 163).
Gershman, BorisPersonal witchcraft beliefs will be negatively associated with generalized trust
Gershman, BorisRegional witchcraft beliefs will be negatively associated with generalized trust
Gershman, BorisPersonal witchcraft beliefs will be negatively associated with trust for people of other religions
Gershman, BorisRegional witchcraft beliefs will be negatively associated with trust for people of other religions
Gershman, BorisRegional witchcraft beliefs will be significantly associated with trust in various other types of people/authorities
Gershman, BorisWitchcraft beliefs will be negatively associated with the inculcation of pro-social traits (trust, honesty, and generosity) among children
Gershman, BorisWitchcraft beliefs will be positively associated with the inculcation of traits associated with toughness (aggressiveness, fortitude, and competitiveness) among children
Gershman, BorisWitchcraft beliefs will be significantly associated with the inculcation of other traits (obedience, self-restraint, and industry) among children
Gershman, BorisWitchcraft beliefs will be negatively associated with generalized trust among second-generation immigrants to Europe

Associated OCMs

  1. sorcery