Women's Status, Low

Associated Documents (1)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Whyte, Martin KingThe status of women in preindustrial societies

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Whyte, Martin KingCultures with intensive plow agriculture will be associated with lower status of women than cultures with other subsistence types (28)
Whyte, Martin KingCultures with herding of large animals will be associated with lower status of women than cultures with other subsistence types (28)
Whyte, Martin KingCultures with hunting (large animal hunting) will be associated with lower status of women than cultures with other subsistence types (28)
Whyte, Martin KingCultures with constant warfare will be associated with lower status of women (31)
Whyte, Martin KingCultures with a high degree of institutionalized male solidarity will be associated with lower status for women (32)
Whyte, Martin KingGreater complexity and differentiation will be associated with lower women's status (38)
Whyte, Martin KingA high degree of institutionalized envy between the sexes will be associated with low status of women (42)
Whyte, Martin KingA high degree of institutionalized envy between the sexes will be associated with high status of women (42)

Associated OCMs

  1. gender status