Child Training

Associated Documents (4)

Associated Hypotheses (9)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Zern, DavidLevels of pressure or anxiety/conflict children experience in regard to their performance of both individualistic and group-oriented behaviors tend to be positively correlated (p. 684).
Low, Bobbi S.Males will be trained to demonstrate more competitive behaviors useful for resource acquisition and control (p. 312).
Low, Bobbi S.More polygyny will be associated with training boys to strive more (p. 312).
Low, Bobbi S.More stratification will be positively associated with males' training to be industrious, and obedient and females' training to be sexually restrained and obedient. Stratification will be negatively associated with males and females' training to be self-reliant (p. 312).
Low, Bobbi S.Patrilocality will be positively associated with men's training for obedience (p. 312).
Low, Bobbi S.Greater control of resources by women will be negatvely associated with obedience training for females (p. 313).
Low, Bobbi S.Larger social group size will be associated with training that reduces intra-group conflict (p. 313).
Zern, DavidPressure to conform (to obey, nurture, or be responsible) will be positively correlated with cultural complexity, and pressure to function independently (to achieve, be self-reliant and independent) will be negatively correlated (p.15-6).
Romney, A. Kimball"Family organization is highly related to subsistence patterns, and in addition family organization predicts the type of child training to a very great extent" (219)

Associated OCMs

  1. socialization
  2. techniques of socialization
  3. aggression training
  4. independence training