Childhood Indulgence

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Allen, Martin G."Significant correlations occur between ego strength and the variables of . . . dependence anxiety, aggression anxiety, and childhood indulgence" (60)
Allen, Martin G."Sexual satisfaction and childhood indulgence are related positively to crime" (265)
Allen, Martin G."Infant and childhood indulgence relate positively to directness of aggression" (263)
Bacon, Margaret K."The overall measures of indulgence in infancy and childhood show significant negative correlations with general consumption of alcohol" (35)
Davis, William N.". . . an important mother, a good deal of indulgence, and a stress upon achievement or self-reliance tended to go with cultural practices that were related to a high frequency of drunkenness" (72)
Davis, William N."In short, those kin groups that are generally high in drunkenness are also prone to gratify strongly the needs of their young children" (47)
Davis, William N."Bilateral and cognatic kin . . . are highly indulgent to young children, reject an adult's dependency needs, and furthermore greatly emphasize adult achievement. These conditions seem ideal for the development of a 'child-adult' conflict, and the latter should be reflected, as indeed it is, in a high frequency of drunkenness" (50-51)
Rosenblatt, Paul C."Last borns tend to be more often spoiled or indulged [but it does not reach significance]" (51)

Associated OCMs

  1. infancy and childhood
  2. child care