Population Growth Rate

Associated Documents (1)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Sipes, Richard G.Population growth, society, and culture: an inventory of cross-culturally tested causal hypotheses

Associated Hypotheses (47)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Sipes, Richard G.Neolocality will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (56).
Sipes, Richard G.Polygyny will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (56).
Sipes, Richard G.Importance of inheritance will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (56).
Sipes, Richard G.Usefulness of children to parents will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (56).
Sipes, Richard G.Adverse results of illegitimacy will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (56).
Sipes, Richard G.Prohibitive child labor laws will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (58).
Sipes, Richard G.Favorability of childrens' attitude toward parents will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (58).
Sipes, Richard G.Favorable attitude of young toward the old will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (58).
Sipes, Richard G.Sociality of care for the aged will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (58).
Sipes, Richard G.Amount of care for the aged will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (58).
Sipes, Richard G.Individual achieved versus ascribed status will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (58).
Sipes, Richard G.Presence of extended kin groups will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (60).
Sipes, Richard G.General importance of the family will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (60).
Sipes, Richard G.Preference for particular sex of child will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (60).
Sipes, Richard G.Desire to keep women home will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (60).
Sipes, Richard G.Social drawbacks of the unmarried state will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (62).
Sipes, Richard G.Parental marriage arrangement will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (62).
Sipes, Richard G.Difficulty of marriage will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (62).
Sipes, Richard G.Older ages for males at first marriage will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (64).
Sipes, Richard G.Divorce frequency for males will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (64).
Sipes, Richard G.Ease of divorce will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (64).
Sipes, Richard G.Desire to limit children will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (64).
Sipes, Richard G.Viewing pregnancy as onerous will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (64).
Sipes, Richard G.The connection between having children and sex identity will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (64).
Sipes, Richard G.Permissive attitude toward terminating reproduction is negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (66).
Sipes, Richard G.Conditions requiring abstinence and periods of abstinence are negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (66).
Sipes, Richard G.Adolescent sex knowledge will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (66).
Sipes, Richard G.Discussion of sex in mixed company will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (68).
Sipes, Richard G.Inability to resist advances of opposite sex will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (68).
Sipes, Richard G.Acceptability of nonmarital sex will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (68).
Sipes, Richard G.Moral decay of society will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (68).
Sipes, Richard G.Sex seen as recreation rather than procreation will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (68).
Sipes, Richard G.Attribution of Ego's Misfortunes to Other Persona will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (68).
Sipes, Richard G.Influence of deceased kin on living descendants will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (70).
Sipes, Richard G.Influence of living kin on deceased ancestors will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (70).
Sipes, Richard G.Need for male or female heir for performance of religious rituals will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (70).
Sipes, Richard G.A religious rather than secular orientation will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (70).
Sipes, Richard G.A fatalistic attitude toward the future will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (70).
Sipes, Richard G.Linkage of individual action and economic status will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (70).
Sipes, Richard G.Aspiration and achievement goals are negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (72).
Sipes, Richard G.Subjective time horizon is negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (72).
Sipes, Richard G.Rationality of western economic behavior will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (72).
Sipes, Richard G.Following of an industrial model will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (72).
Sipes, Richard G.Status from education will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (72).
Sipes, Richard G.Interaction at a distance will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (72).
Sipes, Richard G.Desire to educate children will be negatively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (74).
Sipes, Richard G.Value of children to parents will be positively associated with Population Growth Rate (PGR) (74).

Associated OCMs

  1. population