Precolonial Centralization

Associated Documents (3)

Associated Hypotheses (9)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Chlouba, Vladimir". . . members of precolonially centralized ethnic groups are more likely to hold autocratic values." (12)
Gennaioli, NicolaPrecolonial centralization will be positively correlated with public goods provisioning in Africa. (195)
Archibong, BelindaPrecolonial centralization will be negatively correlated with access to federally administered public infrastructure services in centralized and non-compliant regions. (132)
Archibong, BelindaThe relationship between precolonial centralization and access to public infrastructure services will be mitigated by the military president's region of origin, and punishment will be more severe in areas that are not favored. (134)
Archibong, BelindaTrust in representatives of federal institutions will be lower in non-compliant or punished regions than in compliant ones. (134)
Archibong, BelindaPrecolonial centralization will be positively correlated with access to federally administered public services. (135)
Archibong, BelindaPrecolonial centralization will be correlated with access to locally administered infrastructure services. (137)
Archibong, BelindaThere will be a positive relationship between punished or non-compliant regions and trust in representatives of local government. (137)
Archibong, BelindaPrecolonial centralization will be correlated with access to locally administered infrastructure services in centralized and non-compliant regions. (137)

Associated OCMs

  1. history and culture change
  2. territorial hierarchy
  3. form and rules of government