
Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (9)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Pryor, Frederic L.Forager economic type will not be associated with famine threat, percentage of hunting subsistence, presence of gambling, conflict, corporate descent groups, household form, family form, marital form, postmarital residence, female power, male aggression, and male dominance (408, 415, 416).
Syme, Kristen L.An individual with low reproductive potential and/or who perceives her or himself as a burden upon biological kin will be more likely to commit suicide.
Caluori, NavaThe salience of conflict is positively correlated with belief in a punitive (versus loving) God across cultures (283).
Caluori, NavaIncreased salience of conflict is related to increased punitive-God belief over time (288).
Cederman, Lars-ErikTerritorial fractionalization will be positively correlated with violent conflict against ethnically distinct host government.
Cederman, Lars-ErikHigher increases in territorial fractionalization over time will be positively correlated with violent conflict against ethnically distinct host government.
Wutich, AmberShame, upset, anger, and conflict will be positively correlated to loaning/giving water.
Wutich, AmberShame, upset, anger, and conflict will be positively correlated to borrowing/receiving water.
Wutich, AmberHouseholds that neither gave or received water in the past 4 weeks have lower odds of reporting shame, upset, anger, or conflict than households that did one or both.

Associated OCMs

  1. drives and emotions
  2. ingroup antagonisms
  3. revolution
  4. instigation of war
  5. warfare
  6. suicide