Drunken Brawling

Associated Documents (3)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Schaefer, James MichaelA hologeistic study of family structure and sentiment, supernatural beliefs, and drunkenness
Krauss, Herbert H.Social contexts of suicide

Associated Hypotheses (10)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Schaefer, James Michael"Simple political systems . . . link with extreme, aggressive drunkenness, while more complex political systems . . . link with mild, non-aggressive drunkenness"
Schaefer, James Michael"Fraternal interest group theory predicts that patrilocal groups tend to have more in-group aggressiveness (such as brawling) . . . than matrilocal groups" (174)
Schaefer, James Michael"Simple division of labor would link with extreme, aggressive drunkenness, while a complex divison of labor would link with mild, non-aggressive drunkenness" (171)
Schaefer, James Michael". . . drunkenness . . . correlated [negatively] with [fixed] settlement patterns" (169)
Schaefer, James Michael"Hunting and gathering societies tend to get into drunken brawls more frequently than other societies" (166)
Schaefer, James Michael". . . when anxiety is relieved through the intervention of rewarding, supportive and benevolent supernatural spirits, there should be an accompanying reduction in levels of anxiousness and in levels of drunkenness" (40)
Schaefer, James Michael"I expected presence of social class distinctions . . . to be linked with mild non-aggressive drunkenness while absence of social class distinctions were expected to be linked with extreme, aggressive drunkenness" (179)
Schaefer, James Michael"The correlations between social complexity and drunkenness are . . . in the predicted [negative] direction" (179)
Krauss, Herbert H.Men's divorce freedom and defiant homicide predicted suicides attributable to interpersonal frustration while only men's divorce freedom predicted suicides with apparent extrapersonal precipitants (227-228, 222).

Associated OCMs

  1. brawls, riots, and banditry
  2. alcoholism and drug addiction