Duration Of Postpartum Taboo

Associated Documents (4)

Associated Hypotheses (8)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Ayres, Barbara". . . raiding is positively related to duration of the postpartum sex taboo (P=.004) and negatively related to the amount of contact between father and infant (P=.035)" (248)
Prescott, James W.In societies where premarital sex is strongly punished, community size is larger, slavery is present, societal complexity is high, personl crime is high, class stratification is high, incidence of theft is high, extramarital sex is punished, wives are purchased, castration anxiety is high, bellicosity is extreme, sex disability is high, killing, torturing and mutilating the enemy is high, narcissism is high, exhibitionistic dancing is emphasized, there are small extended families, longer pos...
Stephens, William N."Extensiveness of menstrual taboos . . . correlates positively with the duration of the post partum sex taboo" (97)
Stephens, William N."[There is a] positive correlation between duration of the post partum sex taboo and the variable totemism with food taboos" (164)
Stephens, William N."[There is a] significant positive correlation between duration of the long post partum taboo and importance of sorcery as an explanation for illness" (169)
Stephens, William N."We predicted a positive correlation between duration of the post partum sex taboo and severity of [son's wife] avoidance" (132)
Stephens, William N."We predicted a positive correlation between duration of the post partum sex taboo and severity of [brother-sister] avoidance" (132)
Stephens, William N."We predicted a positive correlation between duration of the post partum sex taboo and severity of [mother-in-law] avoidance" (132)

Associated OCMs

  1. general sex restrictions
  2. postnatal care
  3. infant care