Found 3816 Variables across 382 Pages (0.003 seconds)
  1. The CouvadeAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  5 hypotheses  •   2 Documents.

    OCM Terms:pregnancy, postnatal care

    Related Variables
  2. Mother-infant ContactAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  3 hypotheses  •   2 Documents.

    OCM Terms:infant care

    Related Variables
  3. CircumcisionAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  10 hypotheses  •   3 Documents.

    OCM Terms:body alterations

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  4. Matrilocal ResidenceAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  15 hypotheses  •   14 Documents.

    OCM Terms:regulation of marriage, residence

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  5. DescentAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  36 hypotheses  •   22 Documents.

    OCM Terms:rule of descent, lineages

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  6. Type Of Infant-carrying PracticeAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:infant care

    Related Variables
  7. Couvade ObservancesAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:postnatal care

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  8. Genital OperationAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  2 hypotheses  •   2 Documents.

    OCM Terms:body alterations, puberty and initiation

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  9. Caretaker, MotherAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:infant care

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  10. Male InitiationAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  4 hypotheses  •   3 Documents.

    OCM Terms:puberty and initiation

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