Found 3416 Variables across 342 Pages (0.003 seconds)
  1. Change in PopulationAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  3 hypotheses  •   2 Documents.

    OCM Terms:population, composition of population

    Related Variables
  2. Leaders Promote CollectivityAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:manipulative mobility, ingroup antagonisms

    Related Variables
  3. Change in conflict following climate-related disasterAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:ingroup antagonisms, instigation of war

    Related Variables
  4. Roles and Statuses Reduce CompetitionAssociated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:ingroup antagonisms

    Related Variables
  5. Change in Regional Scale and ComplexityAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:composition of population, community structure

    Related Variables
  6. Change in Community Scale and ComplexityAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:composition of population, community structure

    Related Variables
  7. Change in ConflictAssociated with 2 OCMs  •  2 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:ingroup antagonisms, instigation of war

    Related Variables
  8. Corporate-Exclusionary IndexAssociated with 8 OCMs  •  9 hypotheses  •   3 Documents.

    OCM Terms:community heads, community councils, local officials, form and rules of government, chief executive, deliberative councils, external relations, political behavior

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  9. Social Change Index (SCI)Associated with 11 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:population, history and culture change, functional/adaptational interpretations, ingroup antagonisms, community structure, territorial organization, towns, provinces, instigation of war, disasters, general character of religion

    Related Variables
  10. Regional organization stability Associated with 1 OCMs  •  1 hypotheses  •   1 Documents.

    OCM Terms:territorial hierarchy

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