- There is a correlation between presence of sorcery as an explanation of illness and coordinate control; absence of sorcery as an explanation of illness is correlated with superordinate punishment (85,86)Whiting, Beatrice Blyth - Paiute sorcery, 1950 - 2 Variables
After studying Paiute society, the author postulates that sorcery may serve as a mechanism for social control in societies lacking superordinate authority justice. In this chapter, the cross-cultural results were presented.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - "[Most of the] . . . societies in which a husband and wife have separate bedrooms are situated in tropical climates where heating is not a problem. . . . [Societies where settlements are permanent rather than nomadic or seminomadic tend to have separate bedrooms for husband and wife]" (190, 191)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables
This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - ". . . husbands and wives should room together in . . . agricultural societies [with] complex [stratification] that have developed a constabulary and/or professional army as an alternative means of protecting property. . . . Rooming apart is most likely to occur in . . . societies at the middle level of development" (196)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 2 Variables
This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - "[There is] no association between wife beating [,] . . . another index of the relation between husband and wife [,] . . . and rooming arrangements. It is associated rather with independent versus extended households. Wife beating tends not to occur in . . . [extended] households" (190)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables
This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - ". . .in a significant number of societies men and women who room together eat together. . . . Fathers [tend to] have a close relationship with their infants . . . [and in societies where husband and wife sleep together] . . . the husband is [generally] permitted to be present . . . when his wife is giving birth . . ."Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 4 Variables
This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - "We propose that husbands and wives will room apart in those societies where warriors are needed to protect property [i.e. more commonly among farmers and herdsmen than among hunters, gatherers and fishermen] and that rooming apart has the psychological effect of producing hyperaggressive males" (192, 194)Whiting, John W.M. - Aloofness and intimacy of husbands and wives: a cross-cultural study, 1975 - 3 Variables
This study examines husband-wife relationships, specifically rooming and sleeping arrangements, as they relate to variables such as infant care, subsistence, residence, and cultural complexity. Several hypotheses are tested and all are supported.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - Controlling for geographic region, local population size will be positively associated with level of third-party punishment (588).Marlowe, Frank W. - More 'altruistic' punishment in larger societies, 2008 - 2 Variables
This article examines the relationship between population size (and complexity) and the level of third-party punishment in economic games. Results demonstrate that people in larger, more complex societies engage in significantly more third-party punishment than people in small-scale societies.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - Controlling for geographic region, size of ethnic population will be positively associated with level of third-party punishment (588).Marlowe, Frank W. - More 'altruistic' punishment in larger societies, 2008 - 2 Variables
This article examines the relationship between population size (and complexity) and the level of third-party punishment in economic games. Results demonstrate that people in larger, more complex societies engage in significantly more third-party punishment than people in small-scale societies.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - Community size will be positively correlated with the prevalence of societal belief in supernatural punishment.Bourrat, Pierrick - Supernatural punishment and individual social compliance across cultures, 2011 - 2 Variables
Derived from the fear of supernatural punishment hypothesis, this paper explores whether the prosocial attitude of a group or individuals will increase with the threat of punishment from a high god or visible supernatural agent, such as sorcerers and witches. The author found that fear of supernatural punishment did not affect prosocial behavior and suggested that religious beliefs may give rise to institutions with the task of enforcing social compliance rather than direct control.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author - Accusations of witchcraft will be more likely to target individuals of both sexes when circumstances preceding the accusation relates to interpersonal disputes.Peacey, Sarah - Same-sex competition and sexual conflict expressed through witchcraft accusa..., 2022 - 2 Variables
In this study, the authors analyze relationships between witchcraft accusations and the gender of the accused. They find that men are most often accused of witchcraft in their sample of 54 Bantu or Bantoid societies, and are particularly more likely to be accused of witchcraft by unrelated or blood-related individuals or in disputes over wealth or prestige. On the other hand, women are more likely to be accused of witchcraft in affinal relationships, particularly husbands and co-wives, and in situations related to fertility or relationships. Elderly women were also more likely to be accused of witchcraft than elderly men. The authors also examined outcomes of witchcraft accusations, finding that 81% of cases resulted in a negative outcome for the accused. They suggest that competition underlies accusations of witchcraft.
Related Hypotheses Cite More By Author