Found 2489 Hypotheses across 249 Pages (0.037 seconds)
  1. Sex ratio is positively correlated with the presence of wife beating (2).Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence Against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates variation in rates of violence against women, primarily interested in two main hypotheses: the Culture of Violence Hypothesis and the Functional Violence Hypothesis. Using the SCCS along with variables from Broude & Greene (1976) and Ember & Ember (1992), the study concluded that warring societies were associated with a greater intolerance of rape, contradicting the Culture of Violence Hypothesis, whereas wife beating, as well as tolerance towards rape, increased with scarcity of women, in line with the evolutionary Functional Violence Hypothesis.

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  2. Violence against women will be positively associated with frequency of overall warfare. (1)Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 4 Variables

    This paper presents empirical tests of two theories put forth to explain violence toward women. The first predicts that warfare promotes socialization for aggression and legitimizes violence toward women, while the second predicts that violence works as a way to control potential for female infidelity. An association is found between high male-to-female sex ratio and violence towards women, suggesting support for the second theory over the first, which is consistent with more narrowly-focused studies by Avakame (1999), Bose et al. (2013), and D'Alessio & Stolzenberg (2010).

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  3. Society's intolerance of rape is positively correlated with warfare (2).Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence Against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates variation in rates of violence against women, primarily interested in two main hypotheses: the Culture of Violence Hypothesis and the Functional Violence Hypothesis. Using the SCCS along with variables from Broude & Greene (1976) and Ember & Ember (1992), the study concluded that warring societies were associated with a greater intolerance of rape, contradicting the Culture of Violence Hypothesis, whereas wife beating, as well as tolerance towards rape, increased with scarcity of women, in line with the evolutionary Functional Violence Hypothesis.

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  4. Frequency of warfare is negatively associated with sex ratio (2).Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence Against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates variation in rates of violence against women, primarily interested in two main hypotheses: the Culture of Violence Hypothesis and the Functional Violence Hypothesis. Using the SCCS along with variables from Broude & Greene (1976) and Ember & Ember (1992), the study concluded that warring societies were associated with a greater intolerance of rape, contradicting the Culture of Violence Hypothesis, whereas wife beating, as well as tolerance towards rape, increased with scarcity of women, in line with the evolutionary Functional Violence Hypothesis.

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  5. Sex ratio is positively correlated with the frequency of rape (2).Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence Against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates variation in rates of violence against women, primarily interested in two main hypotheses: the Culture of Violence Hypothesis and the Functional Violence Hypothesis. Using the SCCS along with variables from Broude & Greene (1976) and Ember & Ember (1992), the study concluded that warring societies were associated with a greater intolerance of rape, contradicting the Culture of Violence Hypothesis, whereas wife beating, as well as tolerance towards rape, increased with scarcity of women, in line with the evolutionary Functional Violence Hypothesis.

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  6. Violence against women will be positively associated with high male-to-female sex ratio. (1)Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 4 Variables

    This paper presents empirical tests of two theories put forth to explain violence toward women. The first predicts that warfare promotes socialization for aggression and legitimizes violence toward women, while the second predicts that violence works as a way to control potential for female infidelity. An association is found between high male-to-female sex ratio and violence towards women, suggesting support for the second theory over the first, which is consistent with more narrowly-focused studies by Avakame (1999), Bose et al. (2013), and D'Alessio & Stolzenberg (2010).

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  7. Sex ratio is negatively correlated with a society's intolerance of rape (2).Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence Against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    This study investigates variation in rates of violence against women, primarily interested in two main hypotheses: the Culture of Violence Hypothesis and the Functional Violence Hypothesis. Using the SCCS along with variables from Broude & Greene (1976) and Ember & Ember (1992), the study concluded that warring societies were associated with a greater intolerance of rape, contradicting the Culture of Violence Hypothesis, whereas wife beating, as well as tolerance towards rape, increased with scarcity of women, in line with the evolutionary Functional Violence Hypothesis.

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  8. Frequency of warfare will be negatively associated with a high male-to-female sex ratio. (2)Stone, Emily A. - A Test of an Evolutionary Hypothesis of Violence against Women: The Case of ..., 2017 - 2 Variables

    This paper presents empirical tests of two theories put forth to explain violence toward women. The first predicts that warfare promotes socialization for aggression and legitimizes violence toward women, while the second predicts that violence works as a way to control potential for female infidelity. An association is found between high male-to-female sex ratio and violence towards women, suggesting support for the second theory over the first, which is consistent with more narrowly-focused studies by Avakame (1999), Bose et al. (2013), and D'Alessio & Stolzenberg (2010).

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  9. In a subsample excluding societies that are matrilocal and have less than occasional warfare, father's sleeping distance will be a better predictor of homicide and assault (305).Ember, Carol R. - Father absence and male aggression: a re-examination of the comparative evidence, 2002 - 4 Variables

    This paper supports Beatrice B. Whiting's (1965) sex-identity conflict hypothesis which suggests a relationship between males' early identification with their mothers and male violence. Authors find that, in addition to socialization aggression, frequency of homicide/assault is significantly related to father-infant sleeping distance, particularly when residence is not matrilocal and/or warfare is more than occasional.

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  10. Sexual frustration will be positively associated with warfare frequency (13).Ember, Melvin - Fear of disasters as an engine of history: resource crises, warfare, and int..., 1988 - 2 Variables

    This study examines some of the environmental and psychological predictors of warfare frequency and interpersonal aggression. Results suggest that socialization for aggression in boys is the most significant predictor of warfare. However, authors suggest that socialization for aggression may be a consequence, rather than a cause, of war.

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