Found 3497 Hypotheses across 350 Pages (0.01 seconds)
  1. Body-based measurement is common in the world's cultures.Kaaronen, Roope O. - Body-based units of measure in cultural evolution., 2023 - 1 Variables

    How and why have measurement systems evolved? Many early measurement systems were derived from parts of the body, such as the foot or cubit– the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. Recent research has suggested that measurement systems transitioned through stages, from body-measurements to more complex standardized systems. However, through analyses of ethnographic data drawn from the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample, the authors find that the use of body-based measurement is still prevalent in most cultures worldwide, despite the development of standardized measurement systems. The authors posit that the persistence of body-based measurement is due to the advantages it holds over standardized measurement systems.

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  2. Societies tend to change from simple forms of organization to more complex forms of organization in incremental steps, and decreases in hierarchical organization do not occur [The "rectilinear" model] (802).Currie, Thomas E. - Rise and fall of political complexity in island South-East Asia and the Pacific, 2010 - 1 Variables

    A central issue in anthropology is the process through which political organization (sometimes referred to as cultural complexity) evolves: competing models typically argue for either incremental increases in complexity or larger, non-sequential increases in complexity. Here, the authors evaluate six different models of political evolution, utilizing a phylogenetic approach to analyze the evolution of 84 Austronesian-speaking societies.

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  3. Societies tend to change from simple forms of organization to more complex forms of organization in incremental steps, and decreases to adjacent, less hierarchical forms of organization are possible [The "unilinear" model] (802).Currie, Thomas E. - Rise and fall of political complexity in island South-East Asia and the Pacific, 2010 - 1 Variables

    A central issue in anthropology is the process through which political organization (sometimes referred to as cultural complexity) evolves: competing models typically argue for either incremental increases in complexity or larger, non-sequential increases in complexity. Here, the authors evaluate six different models of political evolution, utilizing a phylogenetic approach to analyze the evolution of 84 Austronesian-speaking societies.

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  4. Societies tend to change from simple forms of organization to more complex forms of organization in incremental steps, and decreases in hierarchical organization to any less complex form can occur [The "relaxed unilinear" model] (802).Currie, Thomas E. - Rise and fall of political complexity in island South-East Asia and the Pacific, 2010 - 1 Variables

    A central issue in anthropology is the process through which political organization (sometimes referred to as cultural complexity) evolves: competing models typically argue for either incremental increases in complexity or larger, non-sequential increases in complexity. Here, the authors evaluate six different models of political evolution, utilizing a phylogenetic approach to analyze the evolution of 84 Austronesian-speaking societies.

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  5. Societies tend to change from simple forms of organization to more complex forms of organization in non-sequential paths, and decreases in hierarchical organization do not occur [The "alternative trajectories" model] (802).Currie, Thomas E. - Rise and fall of political complexity in island South-East Asia and the Pacific, 2010 - 1 Variables

    A central issue in anthropology is the process through which political organization (sometimes referred to as cultural complexity) evolves: competing models typically argue for either incremental increases in complexity or larger, non-sequential increases in complexity. Here, the authors evaluate six different models of political evolution, utilizing a phylogenetic approach to analyze the evolution of 84 Austronesian-speaking societies.

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  6. Societies tend to change from simple forms of organization to more complex forms of organization in non-sequential paths, and decreases in hierarchical organization are also non-sequential [The "alternative trajectories (reversible)" model] (802).Currie, Thomas E. - Rise and fall of political complexity in island South-East Asia and the Pacific, 2010 - 1 Variables

    A central issue in anthropology is the process through which political organization (sometimes referred to as cultural complexity) evolves: competing models typically argue for either incremental increases in complexity or larger, non-sequential increases in complexity. Here, the authors evaluate six different models of political evolution, utilizing a phylogenetic approach to analyze the evolution of 84 Austronesian-speaking societies.

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  7. Societies change their political organization (increase or decrease) in any way (sequential or non-sequential) [The "full" model] (802).Currie, Thomas E. - Rise and fall of political complexity in island South-East Asia and the Pacific, 2010 - 1 Variables

    A central issue in anthropology is the process through which political organization (sometimes referred to as cultural complexity) evolves: competing models typically argue for either incremental increases in complexity or larger, non-sequential increases in complexity. Here, the authors evaluate six different models of political evolution, utilizing a phylogenetic approach to analyze the evolution of 84 Austronesian-speaking societies.

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  8. "Societies where a nurturant presence was constantly present . . . were more likely to have the simplest local jurisdictional hierarchy" (7)Zern, David - Further evidence supporting the relationship between mother/infant contact a..., 1976 - 2 Variables

    Author reconsiders an earlier study on mother-infant contact and its possible effects on a society's language system. Focuses here on a different dependent variable--the society's local jurisdictional hierarchy.

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  9. Genital mutilation/cutting is associated with the presence of co-wives living separately.Šaffa, Gabriel - Global phylogenetic analysis reveals multiple origins and correlates of geni..., 2022 - 8 Variables

    This study is a comprehensive analysis of female and male genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C and MGM/C) practices, including their history and socio-ecological correlates, using a phylogenetic cross-cultural framework. It employed two global ethnographic samples, the Ethnographic Atlas (EA) and the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS), and two subsets of the phylogeny (supertree) of human populations based on genetic and linguistic data, to investigate the variables that may have led to the introduction of these practices, and to determine where and when they may have originated. The study suggests that MGM/C probably originated in polygynous societies with separate residence for co-wives, supporting a mate-guarding function, and that FGM/C likely originated subsequently and almost exclusively in societies already practicing MGM/C, where it may have become a signal of chastity. Both practices are believed to have originated multiple times, some as early as in the mid-Holocene (5,000–7,000 years ago). The study posits that GM/C co-evolves with and may help maintain fundamental social structures and that the high fitness costs of FGM/C are offset by social benefits, such as enhanced marriageability and social capital.

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  10. Genital mutilation/cutting is associated with the presence of bride-price.Šaffa, Gabriel - Global phylogenetic analysis reveals multiple origins and correlates of geni..., 2022 - 8 Variables

    This study is a comprehensive analysis of female and male genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C and MGM/C) practices, including their history and socio-ecological correlates, using a phylogenetic cross-cultural framework. It employed two global ethnographic samples, the Ethnographic Atlas (EA) and the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample (SCCS), and two subsets of the phylogeny (supertree) of human populations based on genetic and linguistic data, to investigate the variables that may have led to the introduction of these practices, and to determine where and when they may have originated. The study suggests that MGM/C probably originated in polygynous societies with separate residence for co-wives, supporting a mate-guarding function, and that FGM/C likely originated subsequently and almost exclusively in societies already practicing MGM/C, where it may have become a signal of chastity. Both practices are believed to have originated multiple times, some as early as in the mid-Holocene (5,000–7,000 years ago). The study posits that GM/C co-evolves with and may help maintain fundamental social structures and that the high fitness costs of FGM/C are offset by social benefits, such as enhanced marriageability and social capital.

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