Found 4264 Hypotheses across 427 Pages (0.007 seconds)
  1. Cross-cultural variation in children's degree of economic work (ages 6-10) is linked to predominant subsistence strategy.Ember, Carol R. - Children's play and work: the relevance of cross-cultural ethnographic resea..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    Authors undertook two studies to investigate the natures of work and play cross-culturally in children ages 6-10. The first study investigated potential variables affecting cross-cultural variation in the degree of children's contribution to economic work. The second study investigated the degree to which (and variables affecting why) forms of child's play reflect economic work and/or adult activities across various cultures.

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  2. "When compared to other combinations of older children and adults, the older boy-adult male dyad is uniquely overrepresented" (283).Mackey, Wade C. - A cross-cultural analysis of recruitment into all male groups: an ethologica..., 1981 - 1 Variables

    This article examines proxemic behavior between adults and children in 10 cultures. Data suggests that the older boy-adult male dyad is the most common combination of adult groups and children. Relevant theory on hunting and male-male bonding is discussed.

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  3. Children's activities involve many artifacts that might survive in the archaeological record.Langley, Michelle C. - Is It Ritual? Or Is It Children? Distinguishing Consequences of Play from Ri..., 2018 - 1 Variables

    Archaeologists often interpret found portable artifacts (e.g. dolls, miniature weapons) as ritual objects. But it is argued that they might instead reflect children's play activities. This descriptive study analyzes the artifacts and context of children's play using the literature and the ethnographic record of 82 hunter-gatherer societies. Six signs of the presence of children, that might survive in archaeological record are noted, which may suggest that many "ritual activities" are children's activities.

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  4. Children's objects are linked to adult material culture.Riede, Felix - Toys as Teachers: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Object Use and Enskillment in..., 2023 - 1 Variables

    The article discusses the role of toys and tools in the development of skills and cultural transmission in hunter-gatherer societies. The authors present a cross-cultural inventory of objects made for and by hunter-gatherer children and adolescents, finding that toys and tools were primarily handled outside of explicit pedagogical contexts, and there is little evidence for formalised apprenticeships. The authors suggest that children's self-directed interactions with objects, especially during play, have a critical role in early-age enskillment. Both boys and girls tend to use objects in work and play that emulate the gendered division of labor in their communities, and many objects made by and for children had full-scale counterparts. Finally, the authors argue that the peer group is crucial to skill acquisition in hunter-gatherer societies.

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  5. Play group contact will be more common in hunting, gathering, and fishing societies than it is in “at least some more advanced subsistence types.”Konner, Melvin J. - Relations among infants and juveniles in comparative perspective, 1976 - 2 Variables

    This article investigates peer relations in infancy, both in primates and in preindustrial human societies. Data from these populations shows a strong tendency toward a multi-age composition of play groups rather than solely peer-aged play groups for infants. Patterns in child care across societies of different subsistence types are empirically examined.

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  6. Cross-cultural variation in children's degree of childcare (ages 6-10) is linked to predominant subsistence strategy.Ember, Carol R. - Children's play and work: the relevance of cross-cultural ethnographic resea..., 2015 - 2 Variables

    Authors undertook two studies to investigate the natures of work and play cross-culturally in children ages 6-10. The first study investigated potential variables affecting cross-cultural variation in the degree of children's contribution to economic work. The second study investigated the degree to which (and variables affecting why) forms of child's play reflect economic work and/or adult activities across various cultures.

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  7. No quantitative hypotheses were tested in this study.Rozée, Patricia D. - Forbidden or forgiven? rape in cross-cultural perspective, 1993 - 1 Variables

    This study presents a conceptual model of rape that can be applied cross-culturally. This model differentiates between normative and non-normative rape, highlighting the cultural circumstances under which rape is permitted or sanctioned. The author also reviews six different types of normative rape (i.e. rape that does not violate social norms), including marital rape.

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  8. Slavery will vary by type of subsistenceHrnčíř, Václav - Archaeology of slavery from cross-cultural perspective, 2017 - 12 Variables

    The authors examine correlations between slavery and variables that can potentially be detected archaeologically. The authors do not test specific hypotheses, but aim to explore the variables in a broader sense. As such, the authors use a grounded theory approach to data analysis in order to examine trends that emerge from the data itself.

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  9. Children and adolescents do in less work when there is a higher dangerous mammal density and/or low water quality/quantity ratings.Lew-Levy, Sheina - Socioecology shapes child and adolescent time allocation in twelve hunter-ga..., 2022 - 6 Variables

    This paper seeks to understand the roles played by children and adolescents in hunter-gatherer societies in relation to their social and ecological context. The authors set out to investigate how environmental factors, ecological risk, and the energetic contributions of adult men and women to food production may have influenced children/adolescent allocation of time to child care, domestic work, food production, and play. In order to carry out this study, the authors logged the behaviors of 690 children and adolescents from twelve hunter-gatherer and mixed-subsistence societies (Agta, Aka, Baka, BaYaka, Dukha, Hadza, Matsi-genka, Maya, Mayangna, Mikea, Pume, and Tsimane), totaling 85,597 unique observations. The study found that harsh environmental factors were not associated with child/adolescent time allocation, but that local ecological risk such as dangerous animals and lack of water availability predicted decreased time allocation to child care and domestic work, and that increased adult female participation in food production was associated with less time invested in child care among boys. It also found that all gendered differences in time allocation among children were stronger when men made greater contributions to food production than women. The authors interpret these results to signify that parents may play a role in preparing their children for environmental and ecological difficulty in order to help them develop skills that will help them become useful community members as adults.

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  10. Gender differences in time allocated to food production and play in children/adolescents reflect the proportion of time that adult men and women contribute to food production.Lew-Levy, Sheina - Socioecology shapes child and adolescent time allocation in twelve hunter-ga..., 2022 - 5 Variables

    This paper seeks to understand the roles played by children and adolescents in hunter-gatherer societies in relation to their social and ecological context. The authors set out to investigate how environmental factors, ecological risk, and the energetic contributions of adult men and women to food production may have influenced children/adolescent allocation of time to child care, domestic work, food production, and play. In order to carry out this study, the authors logged the behaviors of 690 children and adolescents from twelve hunter-gatherer and mixed-subsistence societies (Agta, Aka, Baka, BaYaka, Dukha, Hadza, Matsi-genka, Maya, Mayangna, Mikea, Pume, and Tsimane), totaling 85,597 unique observations. The study found that harsh environmental factors were not associated with child/adolescent time allocation, but that local ecological risk such as dangerous animals and lack of water availability predicted decreased time allocation to child care and domestic work, and that increased adult female participation in food production was associated with less time invested in child care among boys. It also found that all gendered differences in time allocation among children were stronger when men made greater contributions to food production than women. The authors interpret these results to signify that parents may play a role in preparing their children for environmental and ecological difficulty in order to help them develop skills that will help them become useful community members as adults.

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