Protest Masculinity

Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (7)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Broude, Gwen J.There will be a relationship between protest masculinity and the couvade (907).
Munroe, Robert L.Exclusive mother-infant sleeping arrangements, matrilocal residence, and “protest masculinity” will be positively associated with the couvade (730-731).
Koch, Klaus-FriedrichA coercive mode of conflict management will be found in societies whose social structure and socialization practices engender the "protest masculinity" syndrome (449).
Ember, Carol R.Conditions of socialization that increase the likelihood of protest masculinity will be positively associated with war (631).
Broude, Gwen J."Where the mother (or women in general) serves as primary caretaker in infancy, males will display masculine protest behavior in adulthood, regardless of the status of women in the larger social context (164).
Broude, Gwen J.The role of the father will be associated with circumcision, the couvade, and protest masculinity (170).
Broude, Gwen J.The role of the father will be the most significant predictor of circumcision, the couvade, and protest masculinity (172).

Associated OCMs

  1. drives and emotions
  2. sleeping
  3. conversation
  4. gender status
  5. ingroup antagonisms
  6. residence
  7. household
  8. offenses against life
  9. property offenses
  10. infant feeding
  11. infant care