Corporate-Exclusionary Index

Associated Documents (3)

Associated Hypotheses (9)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Peregrine, Peter N.Societies with more corporate political strategies are more resilient to catastrophic climate-related disasters
Peregrine, Peter N.More exclusionary polities (vs. more corporate) will predict more conflict following climate-related disasters.
Peregrine, Peter N.There will be an association between greater population stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented rather than exclusionary-oriented.
Peregrine, Peter N.There will be an association between higher health and nutrition stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented societies rather than exclusionary-oriented.
Peregrine, Peter N.There will be an association between greater conflict stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented rather than exclusionary-oriented.
Peregrine, Peter N.There will be an association between greater household organization stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented rather than exclusionary-oriented.
Peregrine, Peter N.There will be an association between greater village organization stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented rather than exclusionary-oriented.
Peregrine, Peter N.There will be association between greater regional organization stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented rather than exclusionary-oriented.
Peregrine, Peter N.There will be an association between greater communal ritual stability (resilience) to climate-related disasters in societies that are corporate-oriented rather than exclusionary-oriented.

Associated OCMs

  1. community heads
  2. community councils
  3. local officials
  4. form and rules of government
  5. chief executive
  6. deliberative councils
  7. external relations
  8. political behavior